The After School Thread

Specialties School


Whatcha doing today after school?

Me? I gotta clean today. Or else you may see me on the next episode of Hoaders.

Walk the goggie. Do some laundry. NOT cook dinner. :blink:

Are you back from the trip?

Yes, I got back Tuesday night. It was great. Loud, but great. This was a particularly good group of kids.

After school? Listening to Purple Rain. *cries*

After school? Listening to Purple Rain. *cries*

I'm with you... What a lost.


Today is the job interview!

(i will probably listen to Prince too)

After school? Listening to Purple Rain. *cries*

devastated myself. Brings back memories of my first love from almost a decade ago :(

After school? Listening to Purple Rain. *cries*

Been in a meeting, what's this about Prince? Heart broken.

Specializes in School Nurse.
Today is the job interview!

(i will probably listen to Prince too)

Good Luck!!!

Today is the job interview!

(i will probably listen to Prince too)

Good luck. Let us know!

He died from the flu. Maybe??? Ugh ugh ugh.


He died from the flu. Maybe??? Ugh ugh ugh.


And yet Keith Richards is still alive

Specializes in Med-surg, school nursing..

Thought I'd share my after school story from yesterday. Only because I'm still amazed at how the timing lined up so perfectly.

After picking up the kiddos from their grandma's Hubs and I decided to stop by my grandma's and look for an old book bag. Not there. So we leave and he wants to stop and his grandma's to say hi (just around the corner). I was ready to get home, but okay.

So we chat for a good while and as we are leaving hubs is pulling off very slow, I asked what was wrong and he said "just trying to see if that guy on the ground is okay."

I turn around and see a man on the ground with another fella holding his arm. I jump out and run over and he's blue. No pulse. Not breathing. I roll him over and being CPR and tell hubs to call 911. Which was annoying. He told them there was unresponsive male and they asked "how do you know he's unresponsive?" He said "well my wife's a nurse and she's giving compressions right now!"

I worked on this man for 10 minutes with hubs relieving me here and there. We got a pulse and respirations back. He made it to the hospital where he was flown to another hospital and died in surgery later that night.

I'm not sharing for the praise, but simply because I'm amazed. Amazed at how I was in the perfectly right place at the perfectly right time. When everything I did that afternoon was out of my normal routine (I believe in this stuff) We were out in the sticks, a good 20 minutes from the nearest small hospital. He would've laid there with no help, his wife watching him die in their driveway. (She was taken inside during CPR)

I'm also amazed at how quickly one goes into "nurse mode" and how calm you stay during what -looking back- was a crazy hectic situation. No thoughts, just do. I'd never given compressions. I've been apart of many codes in the hospital setting but still had never given compressions. Mainly because I have the muscles of a 90 year old woman, but apparently they can get the job done.

And I've fallen even more in love with my husband. He stayed amazingly calm for someone who has never seen that ever. He listened to what I said and helped bring a man back.

I'm sad the man died later. But I'm glad the wife has the peace of knowing that absolutely everything was done to help her husband.

Today was far less eventful...praise God.

Wow Sully!! What a story and experience for you!

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