That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

Specialties School

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Are you wearing your pink today?

You know I am.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
I'll be out tomorrow for the dreaded 10th grade trip. In fact, I'll be gone all week.

I'll expect you all to be fetch in my absence.

I'll be keeping an eye on everyone for ya...

Specializes in School health, pediatrics.

You guys got me all messed up. For a minute I was like, wait, is it Wednesday??

I'll be keeping an eye on everyone for ya...

I bet you will, big guy.

Specializes in NCSN.
You guys got me all messed up. For a minute I was like, wait, is it Wednesday??

I had the same moment of panic.


Specializes in School Nurse. Having conversations with littles..
You guys got me all messed up. For a minute I was like, wait, is it Wednesday??

ME TOOOOOOO! And this was me looking down at my red shirt >>> :( . Then I started lookin for my seat at the not so cool table. I wondered why OD wasn't scootin as many chairs up to that table as he could!??!

After today I won't be back until Friday...and it is an early out! I.LOVE.THOSE.DAYS! Thanks OD and MrNurse for takin care of our Peeps while Far and I are out on school business :yes:

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Well, who ended up sitting with me today?

Well, who ended up sitting with me today?

Crap. Is it Wednesday? A buncha schools in Chicagoland closed today with icy roads (not my district). I'm cold and cranky and not wearing pink.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
Crap. Is it Wednesday? A buncha schools in Chicagoland closed today with icy roads (not my district). I'm cold and cranky and not wearing pink.

Have a toddy on me when you get home.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
Well, who ended up sitting with me today?

Slide on over unless you want me to sit on your lap.

Have a toddy on me when you get home.

No toddies here. My son had a dr appt (routine) and my oldest daughter had gymnastics. My mom helped get her to and from and then played cards with my other daughter while I made dinner. Now I am getting some relaxation time in before hitting the hay :) Tomorrow is supposed to be better weather.

Slide on over unless you want me to sit on your lap.

He does.

Fantastically Fetch!

Pink scrub pants, pink and black scrub top, and elsewhere.

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