Thank You Jesus!!!


I passed everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :balloons: I took the test last Thursday like I said before, but I didn't see my name on the BON website. So I got sick of waiting and checked my results on the Pearson site. When I saw that my grade was: passed, I started running up and down the house thanking Jesus. I truly know that I couldn't have done it without him. God is good, no scratch that, GOD IS GREAT!!! I am so excited guys. It feels so good to finally be an RN, especially after failing the test before. I made it guys and my friends and family are going to be so excited. Thanks to everyone for your encouragement and support. You guys really helped me get through this and that's why I love this site. It was well worth paying 7.95 for my results because I couldn't wait any longer, and the anxiety was taking over. Now I can breathe again and maybe get some sleep for the first time this week. I am finally a REGISTERED NURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :balloons: :balloons:

congratulations! :balloons: :rotfl: :balloons:

you did it..................

I passed everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :balloons: I took the test last Thursday like I said before, but I didn't see my name on the BON website. So I got sick of waiting and checked my results on the Pearson site. When I saw that my grade was: passed, I started running up and down the house thanking Jesus. I truly know that I couldn't have done it without him. God is good, no scratch that, GOD IS GREAT!!! I am so excited guys. It feels so good to finally be an RN, especially after failing the test before. I made it guys and my friends and family are going to be so excited. Thanks to everyone for your encouragement and support. You guys really helped me get through this and that's why I love this site. It was well worth paying 7.95 for my results because I couldn't wait any longer, and the anxiety was taking over. Now I can breathe again and maybe get some sleep for the first time this week. I am finally a REGISTERED NURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :balloons: :balloons:

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttttttt :Melody:

Specializes in L&D.

Yeah!!! Congratulations!!!!:biggringi


time to party!!!!!:chuckle :chuckle :chuckle

congratulations! :)

:w00t: CONGRATULATIONS!!! u did it :smiley_aa

Goodluck on your career :icon_hug:

nivek21, would u mind if u could give us some tips?

Thank u

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

:balloons: congratulations and best of everything as you embark on your nursing career! :nurse: may it prove to be everything you hope it will be!:biggringi

:w00t: CONGRATULATIONS!!! u did it :smiley_aa

Goodluck on your career :icon_hug:

nivek21, would u mind if u could give us some tips?

Thank u

I did a lot of things different this time around. I told myself that I was going to give it all I got in order to pass the test this time around. I was devastated and miserable the first time I failed. But I told myself that I didn't go through years of nursing school to let one test keep me from getting R.N. behind my name. 1st. I want to say that everyone has there own study habits. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another. I had a consistent study routine that I would follow everyday. I would do 100 questions from my Saunders cd and I would review notes from Hurst. I didn't take Hurst but a friend let me use her outline to study, and to be honest, it helped me a lot. I didn't have the money to pay for a review course. I focused a lot on "why" this and that happens instead of merely trying to pin point the answer. That helped me when I was studying because I was able to talk out the answer. Saunders and Hurst combined was great!! Although I wasn't in an actual review course, the notes alone broke everything down to where it was easily absorbed. Also, when I would study from Saunders, if there was something that I needed a little more understanding with, I would look it up in my Med-Surg book from nursing school. I always kept reference books around my study area. I also studied all my major drugs, such as B-Blockers, Digoxin, Nitro, coumadin/heparin, etc. I quizzed myself on my labs too. I also practiced different stratergies and I would use them when studying from Saunders, and when I found one that worked, I stayed with it. You have to stay at it. There were many times that I didn't feel like studying, but I would push myself anyway and look..It paid off. To everyone who's taking the test for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th...... time, just stay at it because you can do it. Just keep telling yourself that you can do it. I would put little post-its around my computer with sayings like "I will pass the NCLEX-RN" to encourage me. STAY POSITIVE!!! :rotfl:

I hope this will help.

Thanks to everyone for your continous support and encouragement. I'm still on cloud 49. :wink2: :D :D :D

Congratulations!! I hope to get the same results in June!!!

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