Published Jun 23, 2010
6 Posts
Hello. I'm thinking very seriously about enrolling in Excelsior College's Paramedic to RN program and was just hoping for some opinions on not only the program itself but if it would be wiser for me to buy the recommended text books (seems a cheaper route) or go through a learning system such as The College Network or Chancellor? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
38,333 Posts
There are many threads and individual posts on the distance forum that will tell you about The College Network and other publishing companies. Basically a waste of money. The College Network will get you to sign a contract for more than $5000 for their study guides. You can buy their study guides used on ebay for $15 to $30 apiece. The cheapest way to get study resources for the tests is to borrow the texts from the library for free. Go to the EC website and become familiar with the info there. Stay away from The College Network. Most people will give you this advice.
63 Posts
The Excelsior Website (once you are enrolled with them) offers the study guides for all the tests you can print out. Tells you exactly what you need to study. As a Paramedic, a lot will be familiar, but it can be challenging getting the thought process into Nursing mode. My best advice for you is to really read the Fundamentals of Nursing Textbook-ya, it's huge and redundant, but it will get you familiar with the way the nurse role is all about. If you think you are still unsure about just using Excelsior and want an outside source as well, try
my study group 101
It offers study materials for all the tests and whatnot. You can also find the cd for all of the rn classes thru them on eBay as well. That would be the cheapest route to go, other than spending big money and a huge time commitment The College Network / Rue / istudysmart. Pay for your first test and schedule it so it puts you on a timeline of studying / completing it or you will put it off for many months. Start with an easy class to get your feet wet-I suggest Transitions to the Professional Role-gives you a whole overview of the Nurse role. Get the current textbook for it-the test is basically everything listed in the book. Need any other tips / encouragement hit me up. I'm taking the Reproductive test on Saturday then all I have is the Life Span's to finish.
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
Agree with the studygroup101 recommendation, and you can usually find used College Network and Chancellor's modules around on eBay. Please do not sign a contract with a third-party publisher -- most who do regret it, as it adds thousands to the cost of your education.
Yeah I was already leaning towards staying away from them. Just wanted to hear it from some other folks and see if anybody had an argument for them. Thanks you guys.
217 Posts
I don't know about that.... I went through RUE got the text books with my study systems an figured on a 1,200.00 saving over going directly through EC.
Was RUE perfect no, but they did help get me my RN initials. Unlike College Network...RUE has an academic services dept that I did use a couple of times to help me understand something and they have an exclusive nursing forum that help me alot too. Once when I called Ec they told me to look it up in my text.
Was not happy ... just my opinion
15 Posts
Rue does not grant credit - only EC does. If you went through Rue, you paid them AND EC - you could have just went straight through EC and saved. There are plenty of forums on Yahoo groups and here of course where you can sound off or ask questions and you can always call your EC advisor. You don't have to buy your books through the EC bookstore, you can pick them up cheaply at ebay,, alibris, superbookdeals, amazon or a million other places - that will save you bunches of money. I used studygroup101 for all of my exams, I just took transition and never cracked a book - lots of memorization! I highly recommend them. I also recommend doing all the psych type exams close together (Gero, Life Span or Human Growth, Psych, Soc and part of LS2) they cover alot of the same material. And the EC practice exams - don't forget those - it seems if you score a 70 or so, you will almost certainly pass the exam. C
I see what t-lo is saying -- if you bought every book/guided learning package EC recommended for each exam, it would be pretty pricey, so in that regard RUE's materials are less expensive. And I do give RUE some credit for the support they show for students -- I know a few people who used RUE materials, etc., and they were happy with them, and with the study support. Yes, many of us know we can get these things for free, but not everyone does. I didn't have a clue when I first started EC, until I ran into another EC student in an ACLS class. I knew nothing of the YahooGroups or anything -- I didn't even know about TCN! Thank goodness.
1,845 Posts
People are selling the brandnew modules on Ebay so not all of the modules are outdated. I recommend buying the recommended books and saving Thousands!
TashaLPN2006RN2012, ASN, RN
1 Article; 1,715 Posts
i've only bought the recommended texts and it's working for me! I bought them an edition or two behind seeing how there really isnt that much difference from edition to edition and if there is it's very minor adjustments. I spent 4.99 on the foundations of nursing book and that included shipping!!! leaves me extra money in case i need to buy anything supplemental vs. being stuck in a contract with someone that i can't get out of that may not help me anyway!
288 Posts
It is your decision on what study guides to use; however, excelsior have the best information. TCNand others are publishing companies. EC is your best resource.
It's an individual thing I guess, that is how and which way decide to complete the program. In my case....Misery loves company and I have an Education/Teaching Goal in mind for my career. I chose RUE over I Study Smart, Chancellors and TCN for several reasons. As mention... financed my independent learning systems at 0%. Academic services to ask questions, and their student forum. I'd like to add.... The no brainer/no worries delivery of my books which are Excelsior College recommended BRAND NEW Text books and are included in their pckage price. Another reason I choose RUE was because of the way they want you to learn the info not just memorize it for a test. aka Read /Write/ Review/ Quiz. And the flexability to try 1 study system without signing a contract and with no obligation after that if a student doesn't like it. And now they have online classes (not with 0% financing) but that are structured to give the info and push students through. Definately not for the procrastinator though...I have seen one of them.
I have my ASN from EC and I have to admit I wish RUE did have learning systems for the BSN. They used to but not any more.
Because just like all of us here..... Misery still love company
Again we all have different reasons and needs and that's what makes us all individuals...but with the common goal of learning to be the best nurses our patients deserve us to what ever method/path we choose, to get us there