Terms we will not admit to using


You all have heard of them and of course we never actually use any of these terms but somehow they are there and everyone knows them.......

There the "unofficial" abbreviation list


FLK Funny Looking Kid


Craft syndrome - Can't Remember A Flippin' Thing

PFO - clean version - Potted (Drunk) and Fell Over

AHD - Acute Haloperidol Deficit

Or the pseudomedical jargon for describing patient peculiarities i.e.

Mononeuronis Asynapsis

Acute Pneumoencephalopathy (thanks TeeitupTom)

Acute Hyponicotaemia (busting for a cigarette)

Does anyone know anymore??

Okay can anyone add to this list

F.A.D.-----F***ing **hole Disorder

you know the personality disorder all those lovely drug addict, sociopathic, homeless, smart mouthed, think they are God's gift the the world & everyone should immediately bow down in their pressense patients' share :wink2:

Awating transfer to the E.C.U. (Eternal care Unit....)

CRS: can't remember sh**

Specializes in CCU, Geriatrics, Critical Care, Tele.

Please do not post swear words, as it is against the TOS. Thanks

Specializes in Geriatrics, LTC.

These are all great, I added the new ones to my ever growing list of unapproved abbreviations. I currently have 10 pages worth, of course there very well may be doubles, but still funny! If anyone would like a copy emailed to them feel free to IM me with your email addy and I'll be happy to send them to you. :)

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

EDGATWTTTF elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor

EMS version of TSC taxi service call

" IHA it's him/her again

CA child abuser

EPA elderly person abuser

MAS masturbating again syndrome

TGIH the grouch is here!

TIH touched in head

AOSV abusive of staff visitor

L&V loud and vulgar

NPWA not pleased with anything

FOOB fell out of bed

NOM nasty old man

MFR my favorite rotation

TOBP=tired of being pregnant

Hi-5 = hiv positive (thank you hippa)

Specializes in Renal, Haemo and Peritoneal.

WAFTAM (pronlunced woff-tam)

Waste of flipping time and money

CLWR- Call light within reach

PPP - p*** poor protoplasm

Positive Hilton Sign -- pt thinks they're at the Hilton, not a hospital.

10th Floor Transfer -- (ie dead/dying, as our facility only has nine floors).

Pillow Therapy -- Take the pillow of your most obnoxious pt and gently yet firmly hold it over their face until the oxygen deprivation buys you a few minutes of peace and quiet.

And no, I've never done the last. It's darn tempting sometimes though! :chuckle

"STAT CALLBELLECTOMY" for those patients that just love pushing that little button.

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