Terms we will not admit to using


Specializes in ICU.

You all have heard of them and of course we never actually use any of these terms but somehow they are there and everyone knows them.......

There the "unofficial" abbreviation list


FLK Funny Looking Kid


Craft syndrome - Can't Remember A Flippin' Thing

PFO - clean version - Potted (Drunk) and Fell Over

AHD - Acute Haloperidol Deficit

Or the pseudomedical jargon for describing patient peculiarities i.e.

Mononeuronis Asynapsis

Acute Pneumoencephalopathy (thanks TeeitupTom)

Acute Hyponicotaemia (busting for a cigarette)

Does anyone know anymore??

Okay can anyone add to this list

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Cranio-rectal inversion (head up one's @$$)

TSTL (Too stupid to live)

TMB (too many birthdays)

GOK (God only knows)


FMPS Fluff My Pillow Syndrome

TTFN TaTa for Now . . . just watched a Tigger movie with my toddler. :rolleyes:

Too tired to think . . . .



Specializes in Home Health.

FUBAR F'd up Beyond All Repair

PIA...do we really need to define that one? I think it's universal! lol

BOHICA...Bend Over Here It Comes Again, as in when you get a bad assignment, have a rotten night, or just plain old get dunped on big time

NFW No F'ing Way, as in NFW I will work in a hospital that expects me to buy smokes or assist a pt to smoke.

TPTP To posh to push (Generally associated with FMPS)

CTF Cletus the fetus (those 23 weekers parents expect us to save)

I have a lot that would probably get me banned from the bb!

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.
BOHICA...Bend Over Here It Comes Again, as in when you get a bad assignment, have a rotten night, or just plain old get dumped on big time

I love this one.........it's a perfect description of my past several shifts:

"Give Marla the new admit.......she's only got five patients, she can handle it"

"Marla, the pharmacy's on 4730 wanting to talk to you about 208 (I just took this patient two minutes ago and don't even know his NAME, let alone what his usual meds are)"

"Nurse, this patient needs disimpaction, a soap-suds enema, and an NG tube STAT" (said patient being a combative, demented nursing-home resident who cannot POSSIBLY cooperate)

"Marla, you're getting two post-ops, and the patient in 222 needs 2 units of packed cells right away" (can anyone say "FREQUENT VITALS??!")


:chuckle I've been known to call a few cute residents DILFs.

FOS -- Full of ahem, Stool

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.
:chuckle I've been known to call a few cute residents DILFs.

OK, I'll bite.......what the heck are DILFs? :confused:

LOL - little old lady

FLB - when you are having a hard time interpreting the cardiac monitor - funny little beat

FF - frequent flyer

FOS -- Full of ahem, Stool

I saw this one in the surgeons progress notes-he didn't mean stool either!:rotfl:

GOMER- get out of my ER:chuckle

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