Hi, I've only been in LTC/SNF 7 months, and thank GOODNESS, I was off when STATE was there.....I am hearing horror stories!
One of my friends "got in trouble" from our DON because she told an inspector she was out of a certain supply........UMM--that's just the TRUTH!!!! What ELSE could she have said. She HAD to cover herself, and explain WHY she absolutely could NOT perform a simple procedure. Most importantly, if the vulnerable resident could have been at risk because of the lack of supplies, WHAT choice did she have but to tell the State person there weren't any?!?!!
How do the "suits" where you work handle it when they find out you told a State Surveyor the truth about something negative such as not having a supply???
**Oh, and slightly off topic, but it made me LOL that they suddenly had all of our housekeeping staff help us pass trays----seriously???? Like State is going to believe this happens ALL THE TIME? I like what someone else said about this on another thread--yes, even our secretary helps pass trays.....our teamwork is THAT good, every day....(don't we WISH!)