Published Oct 29, 2015
95 Posts
I just got accepted into nursing school and I need to get my MMR shots and Tdap as well as a two- step mantoux done before December 23rd. I scheduled to have my mantoux done tomorrow morning but I went into my local pharmacy and had my first MMR shot today. I just read somewhere you have to wait to get tested 28 days after you had the MMR shot :/ I had no idea about this... Anyway my question is, am I absolutely required to wait 28 days? Im just really struggling to get everything done in time...
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
Best bet is to ask the person who is supposed to administer the PPD. "I read somewhere" doesn't necessarily mean it's true.
I did more research and I'm finding the same information. I'll still go in and ask, fingers crossed its not a major issue.
12,646 Posts
You still have time, don't sweat it.
MMR is a live vaccine. Follow the guidelines.
Good luck!
916 Posts
The MMR vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine and that can interfere with the results of the ppd test. There is the quantiferon gold test, but from what I can tell doing some searches there isn't much information on how a live virus vaccine will impact it. As such it is recommended that the test be administered at the same time as the vaccine or 4-6 weeks later to insure the results are correct (
Reactivity to TUBERSOL may be temporarily depressed by certain live virus vaccines (measles, mumps, rubella, oral polio, yellow fever, and varicella). If a parenteral live attenuated virus vaccine has been administered recently, tuberculin testing should be delayed for >1 month after vaccination
more information can be found at: CDC | TB | Fact Sheets - Tuberculin Skin Testing for TB
I'm not sure why waiting a month for the TB test would set you back though if it's due by 12/23. You could have the TB test done at the end of November and get the 2nd MMR vaccination after the 2nd reading one week later (which would take you to early December). Another option is to have the quantiferon gold test done instead to avoid having to get the 2 step and waiting the extra week for the 2nd MMR vaccine (since the 2nd ppd test must be administered a week after the first one is administered). Either way you should still be able to make your deadline. The PPD tests are easy to get done these days, even the walk-in clinics like the CVS Minute Clinic administer them (but you pay a premium for the convenience as I found out the hard way once when I got in time crunch - they charge $30 per visit and don't accept insurance for the TB test so it'll cost you a total of $60).
137 Posts
Our health dept only does TB tests for exposures. I don't remember how I was referred but a local hospital's employee health nurse did mine for $10 each. I got my MMRs at the health dept along with my HBV series for just the cost of HBV vaccs. I also got TDaP for free at the same time.
I am just the type of person who likes things getting done early and I get ancy if it's a tight squeeze. Anyway I think the two step mantoux is required. Am I getting this right, you have to wait a week after the second test is read to get the MMR? Can't I just get it right away?
I have no local health department that hands out cheap vaccines
No. 2 steps are traditionally a week apart. If they gave you directions, follow them.
I'll find out what they have to say tomorrow....I also had mono about a month ago as well, I've heard this can be an issue as well.
Issue with what?
blondenurse12, MSN, NP
120 Posts
As others have mentioned, the MMR is a live vaccine so you must wait 28 days to get the first PPD. In the two step test, you should get them one week apart. Because you are doing the two step, you may get your second dose of MMR the day you get the second PPD administered. You can administer live virus vaccine and PPDs the same day.