Nursing Students NCLEX


i do not know what to say...

i was mad, sad, angry, felt worthless when i got the official results in the mail= FAIL....

i am planning to take test over again, i honestly do not know what to do differently...

i took review courses, i used like 5 different review books:

1. Excell Review- review course

2. Martin Review- review course

3. Saunders

4. Kaplan

5. Lipincott

6. Hurst

7. Pearson

8......................... and other things

I did like 3,000-5000 questions total... i was getting 80- 90%% scores overall...

I do not know what went wrong....

When i went to take the test, I froze... I had that moment of is this for real...

I felt like i was in a dream... after the test was done at 85 questions, i woke up from my dream...

What do i do???

planning to take test again... end of February or beginning or March...



Hello Everyone, I took this from someone who took the boards recently. Pay attention to these topics and know them well. We don't know what they might ask us. Good Luck.

end stage renal disease, Huntington's disease, breast cancer risk factors, pancreatitis - what is important to ask during assessment? does the client have a high fat diet?, Cogentin side effects - urinary retention and decreased sweating, "-triptans" - is used for relief of migraines, Hib vaccine common side effects for an infant, Hemorrhagic CVA common S&S, Dilantin (phenytoin) common nursing interventions and s&s, Hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism - common s&s (these were both SATA questions for me), postmortem nursing care (I had no idea about this so I would make sure that I would read on this too), insulin administration and peak times (I had a drag and drop question for the insulin administration), physical assessment on abdomen (drag and drop question).

I took my Nclex today and I failed. I can't even describe how I feel but those of you that have been here know what I mean. I don't even know where to begin now. I studied but I guess not enough. The more I studied the more I started to forget and everything was just a big blur. I feel disoriented and lost. I don't know how to start, where to start, what am I lacking.

I took my Nclex today and I failed. I can't even describe how I feel but those of you that have been here know what I mean. I don't even know where to begin now. I studied but I guess not enough. The more I studied the more I started to forget and everything was just a big blur. I feel disoriented and lost. I don't know how to start, where to start, what am I lacking.

Did you use Kaplan or another study program?

I used Saunders Strategies for test taking, Pearsons NCLEX Cram exam, Saunders NCLEX Review, and study guides that I had from school

Hello Everyone, I took this from someone who took the boards recently. Pay attention to these topics and know them well. We don't know what they might ask us. Good Luck.

end stage renal disease, Huntington's disease, breast cancer risk factors, pancreatitis - what is important to ask during assessment? does the client have a high fat diet?, Cogentin side effects - urinary retention and decreased sweating, "-triptans" - is used for relief of migraines, Hib vaccine common side effects for an infant, Hemorrhagic CVA common S&S, Dilantin (phenytoin) common nursing interventions and s&s, Hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism - common s&s (these were both SATA questions for me), postmortem nursing care (I had no idea about this so I would make sure that I would read on this too), insulin administration and peak times (I had a drag and drop question for the insulin administration), physical assessment on abdomen (drag and drop question).

what exam did u take? Nclex RN or Nclex PN? thanks for the info.

I have the Hurst videos online, wish I love.




i know its better to give than receive...

so anyone else have any information to share....


we all want to pass right...

any points or what type of questions did you have on your last nclex exam...

that would be great way to start sharing and learning from each other....



gita2420: i'm so sorry for your luck. i take it for the 1st time on tues. and i'm scared..can totally relate to the whole 'the more you study the more you get confused' thing. i am doing the NCSBN online program. a friend recommended it to me and i'm finding it really helpful. you pay for it (i'm doing the 3wk for $50). she said she felt that these ques. were most like nclex.

HighlyFavor2011: "Does anyone have any information regarding " Making room assignments" I need clarification on this!"

basically you can put 2 people in the same room if they are (both) not contagious (MI and asthma) or if they have the same illness. you do Not ever want to put someone who is immunocompromised (HIV, cancer) with someone with an infectious disease (herpes, pneumonia). it is best to put someone like this in a private room but if that's not possible, put them with someone who is not contagious (asthma, HF). make sense? you never want to put a immunocomprised person with someone who can make their condition worse. if you look through any nclex prep book they have a ton of questions that will help you figure it out.

I honestly want to start putting stuff on this blog...

and start sharing topics and helpful tips on what we need to do for nclex...

Maybe some neumonics or asking a few questions daily and see how well people do on them...

just to get the mind going....

First off: Some tips.....

1. DO NOT REVIEW TOO MANY THINGS!!! (don't read like 10 different books, and do like 3 review courses, and like 20,000 questions) (OVERLOAD IS NEVER A GOOD IDEA!!!)

2. I recommend studying a max of 3-5 review items... (ex. 2 review books- 1 for content and one for questions, and 1 review course)...

3. my recommendations: saunders- content

: exam cram- questions

: lacharity priority and delegation book- priority (huge topic on nclex)

: ncsbn review ($50 for 3 weeks, and gives both content and questions and is like the real nclex)

4. everyday please take at least a 30 minute break after 2-3 hous of studying to cool down, and do something you like... "energizer bunny needs a break too"... ( this will be a great way to get rid of nerves, and anxiety, and re-energize yourself for a better study session)...

I hope all these tips will help somebody pass nclex...

"Expect the worst, Hope for the best"


todays neumonics: (2/1/2012)

(copied from allnurses blogs)

antianxieties meds,think of smelling leaves not roses, normally we think smelling the roses as a way to relax. In thinking of anti anxities, Think of smelling the leaves as the way to relax...

L- librium

E- equanil



E- equanil


To remember how blood flows from the heart! think....

Arteries- Away ,arteries carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to the tissue.

veto-viens, carry blood to the heart.

S/S OF MI(myocardial infarction)- think of DANCE PAD...


A- anxiety


C-crushing substernal chestpain

E-elevated temp.





R-rescue or remove the pt.

A-activate the fire alarm!

C-contain fire by dosing windows & doors

E- extinguisher flames

those are the neumonics for today...

more coming another day...

if you have any to add.... go ahead...

if you any questions to ask go ahead....



Today's questions:

Topic: client with burns:

(1) Question: A client weighing 76 kg is admitted at 0600 with a TBSA burn of 40%. using the parkland formula, the clients 24 hour IV fluid replacement should be?

A. 6,080 mL

B. 9,120 mL

C. 12,160 mL

D. 15, 180 mL

(2) Question: a jewish client requires a grafting to promote burn healing. Which graft is most likely to be unacceptable to the client?

A. isograft

B. autograft

C. homograft

D. xenograft

Topic: priority

(3) Question: you are preparing to leave the room after performing oral suctioning on a client who is on contact and airborne precautions. In which order will you perform the following actions? (place in order)

1. remove N95 respirator

2. take off goggles

3. remove gloves

4. take off gown

5. perform hand hygiene

____, _____, ____, ____, ____

(4) Question: you are admitting four clients with infections to the medical unit, but only one private room is available. which client is it most appropriate to assign to the private room?

1. client with diarrhea caused by c. diffcile

2. a client with a wound infected with VRE

3. a client with a cough who may have TB

4. a client with toxic shock syndrome and a temperature of 102.4F (39.1C)

Topic: pharmacology

(5) Question: muscles used for IM injections in adults include all of the following, except:

A. ventrogluteal

B. deltoid

C. abdomen

D. dorsogluteal



Those are the questions for today...

Answers will be coming tomorrow (2/2/12)...

good luck...


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