Taking Anatomy and Physiology I this summer, should I be so nervous?



I am taking a 4-week A & P I course this summer at my community college, 4 days a week and 5-6 hours a day. I am a sophmore business major and recently decided to switch my major to nursing. I know, drastic change. But, I am very nervous. I know a lot of "how hard" it will be depends on your instructor and your determination. Basically, I am asking to those of you that have taken A & P I in a 4-week summer course to let me know how hard it is and some study tips I need to keep in mind. Please give me some advice ;). Thanks.

Specializes in SDU, Tele.

4 weeks sounds crazy. If you are really determined, I suggest you take only this class. This class is pretty much the basis for your other coming sciences and nursing courses. I hope these tips help the way they helped me:

  • Review before class. This makes lectures SO much easier to understand. Just go to the "summary" or "key terms" and read those, and look at the diagrams. Read the chapter AFTER class.
  • Get the anatomy coloring book. And lots of markers.

  • Bookmark this: http://www.getbodysmart.com/
  • Make or buy flashcards. I like making my own with pictures or really specific questions. Then I ask them to my friend in class and we trade flash cards and ask each other stuff.
  • Use youtube to see physiology videos
  • Take notes in class, on laptop or on paper. Hopefully your teacher sends powerpoints. I typed my notes right on the powerpoint so I didn't waste ink or paper. :)
  • Eat well. I can't take a quiz unless I ate before. Happened today that I was studying and my brain crashed. It's awful.
  • Quality not quantity! What's the use of studying for 7 hours if you're distracted, uncomfortable, sleepy, etc. I'd rather take a nap and study for 4 hours but study good.
  • Study right after class if you can, or just review all your notes and reply them in your mind.
  • That being said, I'd get permission to record the lecture. I do it now for AP2 and I am amazed at how much I can actually miss!!!!


Specializes in SDU, Tele.

PS I took AP1 in 16 weeks and it wasn't that bad. I took a few other courses with it and worked a bit. But like I said, 4 weeks sounds crazy. I suggest you find out on ratemyprofessor.com what this teacher is like and maybe talk to a previous student somehow.... And know when your drop dates are. But that's for every class. I've had to drop a class because it wasn't what I expected. But please please please be organized about this class if you are going to take it for sure. :)

Specializes in CPT, CNA.

i have already completed my ap1 and ap2.. and i seen that someone thats already posted hit the nail on the head in that anything as complex as the human body and the way it works being covered in 4 wks is going to be missing ALOT of information! i took a 17 wk class and missed 1 day and thought it was the end of the world bc of the amount of information i lost (i only missed bc i had strep throat and was not allowed to come to school) -- but as previously stated im sure they will be given you the info that will be on the test, but what i would be more concerned about is the things you may not be learning. easier/quicker does not always mean better ya know? --- as for being worried or nervous -- its a tough subject, learn all you can and STUDY STUDY STUDY :) best of luck to you!

i am also taking anatomy over the summer.

which school are you taking it at?

the way i see it, since its so quick, its easier to retain the information..

youre right. I liked taking AnP I over the summer way better than I did taking Anp II during the full semester. Good luck!

I am doing the same thing as the OP. I am taking a&p 1 over the first summer session. I am then signed up to take a&p 2 over the second summer session. I went to my orientation for my nursing program on monday and they suggested doing this instead of taking it along with my nursing classes. My class is going to be mon-thurs for a two hour class each night. Two of those nights I will be having a four hour lab as well. I think I will be breathing, eating, living, and sleeping A&P over this summer. Can't Wait!!! :D

P.S. I forgot to tell you, I also purchased the coloring book and flashcards. I have gone on to check out the course description of each course, which is pretty in depth. I am going ahead of myself and just reviewing some of this stuff so its not completely foreign to me. The last time that I studied A&P was over 10 yrs ago, in high school...wow, just realized I'm getting old. :sniff:

If you don't have too heavy a load currently, you can make things a LOT easier on yourself this summer by getting a head start on your A&P now. Can you find out what text book you'll be using and start going through the chapters? Most text book publishers now offer help at their website: practice tests, worksheets, etc... And youtube videos are also a help with animations showing processes like muscle contractions, diffusion, mitosis, etc...

I think it can be done -- but it is a TON of memorization. A running start might make all the difference.

Good luck to you! :)

the movie 'osmosis jones' with bill murray was an excellent learning tool. the movie was actually quite funny and gave me a way to visualize and remember what i was being taught. hey...watching a movie while you study...what could be better than that?!!! seriously though...watch the movie!


I'm taking a 6 week a&p this summer as an online class (with in-class lab). I also haveto take the Teas this summer. I haven't been in school for 8 years. I'm nervous too.

I personally would not recommend taking Anatomy & Physiology in four weeks...whether it be I or II.

This class is the foundation for your medical knowledge when you begin nursing school. The more you know and retain in this class...the better of you'll be. I think you're really selling yourself short here.. but to each their own. At the very least I would study it even after I finished the class for awhile.

When you get to this point it's not about memorization anymore...it's about retaining information. As long as you're doing that, you should be fine. I would go for the full semester though.

Good luck !!!

Specializes in ICU.

It's a sink or swim kind of thing. If you can swim in that fast paced, demanding environment, then you're golden.

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

I have to disagree with the people that think the quality of education in the intense courses is not up to that of other formats. I did take the four nights a week, four+ hours a nights for four weeks course in A&PI. At the end of the course, everyone takes the HAPS exam, a national A&P exam and our professor's classes consistently score in the 90th percentile for grades. We're learning it, it's just intense.

I am taking the second half as a Saturdays 9-3:30pm class and I personally think that the longer duration of the course is helping me retain more information. But, I can readily recall most of the information from A&P I. I may have an advantage because my undergrad and grad degrees are in science and most of the material was not completely new to me.

It was intense and with working full time and trying to spend time with my husband and three kids, it wasn't the most fun I've ever had. But I needed to complete the course in that time frame and I think it was a good option for me. Just keep studying, read ahead before class starts and prepare to spend many hours on the weekends with your book and notes. Good luck.

For those who think A&P 1 is just memorizing , I wish I had your Prof.

Memorizing will get you a low C in my class. We have at least 30 critical thinking questions on each exam and they are not things you can memorize. It means understanding the fine details of functions and various procesess.

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