Taking Anatomy and Physiology I this summer, should I be so nervous?



I am taking a 4-week A & P I course this summer at my community college, 4 days a week and 5-6 hours a day. I am a sophmore business major and recently decided to switch my major to nursing. I know, drastic change. But, I am very nervous. I know a lot of "how hard" it will be depends on your instructor and your determination. Basically, I am asking to those of you that have taken A & P I in a 4-week summer course to let me know how hard it is and some study tips I need to keep in mind. Please give me some advice ;). Thanks.

We have two summer sessions, each being 7 weeks long. I am taking General Biology and General Chemistry first summer session, A&P 1 and Diet& Nurtrition 2nd summer session. Good luck! I pray for yall! :)

I'm taking a 6 week a&p this summer as an online class (with in-class lab). I also haveto take the Teas this summer. I haven't been in school for 8 years. I'm nervous too.

Don't take blended classes if you are not familiar with online courses. They tend to move pretty quick. But anything is possible when you put your mind to it. I took ap2 and microbio at the same time.

Specializes in School Nursing.

I took A & P II last summer as an 8 week course , 2 days a week of lecture and lab, 8 hours a day. It was intense, I'm not going to lie. What worked best for me is not allowing yourself to fall behind in the readings because with so short a course you'll find it nearly impossible to catch up. Also, I had to study EVERY SINGLE DAY in order to learn the material. In longer classes you might be able to skip a day or two here and there but in such an intense short summer course you have to work on it every day. Make sure you have some good study skills which are different for everyone but identify what works best for you. For example, flashcards don't really work for me but diagrams do. Form a study group with your fellow students if you can and really support each other. I think just recognizing going into it that you will have to work hard for an A will give you a leg up. Some of my fellow students didn't really understand how hard they'd have to work and they didn't do very well at all. I was like that with A & P I which I took as a traditional 16 week course and barely managed to pull off a B but I did get an A in A & P II because I'd learned my lesson the first time. Good luck!:)

I know summer classes are hard because the put a 3 months worth of classes into one month but the good thing is that you finish fast, I am also planning to take A & P during the summer with Human growth and development, wish me luck! I'll see how it goes

Good luck to all of you motivated summer students! One bit of advice: get a candy bar-sized voice recorder to record the lectures. It might help the info "stick" better.

I am taking it as well this summer, I got the old syllabus from a student in the spring and have been studying for about a month the different subjects and systems we will learn in this first part of A&P. We will see if this helped me or not when the class starts.

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