I am a new grad that missed the boat on all the new grad residences for the Winter. The next round I believe is in January for a March start. I've applied to one hospital near me that is a med surg, and I was hoping to get into the ICU. I feel inclined to take the opportunity to start learning but worried that I could miss the boat on applying for new grad programs. Some recommend I take it because I could learn my skills, gain time management, and get my foot in the door. Others say that waiting even though is risky can also work out because they also do fine when they get into the ICU new grad program. Anyway, I was wondering your thoughts if I should take the job?
Hi Nurse Beth,
I am a new grad that missed the boat on all the new grad residences for the Winter. The next round I believe is in January for a March start. I've applied to one hospital near me that is a med surg, and I was hoping to get into the ICU. I feel inclined to take the opportunity to start learning but worried that I could miss the boat on applying for new grad programs. Some recommend I take it because I could learn my skills, gain time management, and get my foot in the door. Others say that waiting even though is risky can also work out because they also do fine when they get into the ICU new grad program. Anyway, I was wondering your thoughts if I should take the job?
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