Topics About 'School Nurses'.

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Found 16 results

  1. I looked through the last 10 pages of posts and key word searched the forum but did not see much on the subject of what most school nurses wear. Do you wear scrubs, lab coat, business casual, or something else? I was just hired into a middle/high sch...
  2. Exclusion Guidelines- AHHH

    Alright y'all, let's get to the nitty gritty. What Sx are you excluding? Direction from our local Health Dept (OH) is to exclude for ANY symptoms, and then goes on to list eeeeverything under the sun. I mean, EVERYTHING. Congestion, runny nose, heada...
  3. What are off-limit medications for school setting?

    I had a parent try to have me administer prednisolone to her child. The prescription was once a day for 5 days and the reason was for an asthma exacerbation. However, for several reasons, we decided that she should administer this medication at home....
  4. Weirdest Thing About School Nursing...

    I'm finishing up my third year, and now moving on to something else for a while. I've been thinking about my school nursing experience. I've loved the independence in this role, plus I really enjoy seeing humans in their normal life, outside of a m...
  5. Where are We Now? Here we are rounding the bend of October 2021. About 20 months into a global pandemic, healthcare has been in a strange place. While many in healthcare have worked tirelessly caring for COVID-19 patients, those with other heal...
  6. traumaRUs

    Happy School Nurses Day!

    Did you know that only 39% of schools in the US employ full-time school nurses? Did you know that in a recent study it was reported that "nearly half of 5- to 17-year-olds have experienced trauma in the form of at-school victimization. Exposure to tr...
  7. How Can Admin Help to Retain School Nurses?

    Experienced school nurses, we've all had that frightening moment. You have vomiting Vanessa in your office and you need to call THAT parent to pick her up. Her mother had used profanity when you called to ask for the student's required Kindergarten p...
  8. School Nurse Salary?

    Please state your state and salary as a school nurse. Thank you! Not sure
  9. NutmeggeRN

    The rules apply...until they don't...

    Over the past number years, I have encountered an increasing flaunting of policy and rules, both by kids and parents. What changes in school district policy when they move from middle school to high school? Nothing. In my world. In theirs, lots of th...
  10. School Nurses: When is everyone back?

    Where are you located & what are this year’s protocols? I’m in Indiana. I go back Wednesday, the kids a week later (8/11). This year masks are optional (so probably 3 people will wear them). Not sure how much distancing will be maintained...
  11. Orientation for new School Nurses

    Hello, I am pretty sure I posted something on this sometime last year, however I cannot seem to find it. Does your school have a manual or program for your new school nurse hires? If so, I would love to see the content. I am putting tog...
  12. nursekoll

    End Of Year Medications

    Just wondering what other school nurses do with student medications at the end of the year? Some will be prescription meds, inhalers, some OTC meds that have been kept in the nurse's office. In the past I send a reminder that medications must be pick...
  13. tnbutterfly - Mary

    School Nursing

    Nurses began working in schools in the 1800s to identify and quarantine people with communicable diseases. Now, their main responsibility is to provide nursing care and health counseling to students with increasingly complex medical conditions and ch...
  14. If you watch the news or TV shows, you might be led to believe that there is a high risk of firearm homicide. Researchers from Northeastern University, University of Washington, and Harvard University conducted a study into the perceptions of gun vio...
  15. COVID has brought many changes to all nurses and the entire world. Nurses working in hospitals have been stressed to the max due to lack of PPE, increased patient numbers and acuity, shortage of nurses, and more. But let's not forget the School nur...
  16. What is School Nursing in 2022?

    The perception of school nursing, even within the nursing community, is of a retired older nurse passing out ice packs and bandaids and maybe reading magazines during down time. Truthfully, there are a lot of ice packs passed out, yet the breadth of ...