Topics About 'Pediatric Nursing'.

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Found 39 results

  1. There has been a lot written in recent years about moral distress in health care. With the rapid pace of technological change it has become commonplace for patients to survive injuries and illnesses that less than a decade ago would have ended their ...
  2. Can Pediatric Dialysis be Fun?

    In-Patient Pediatric DialysisAs a dialysis nurse working in different areas of the hospital and also in freestanding chronic dialysis clinics, I had the opportunity to enhance my knowledge and experience in acute , sub-acute and chronic settings. Tra...
  3. This story is very personal to me and my family. I am certain I will cry my way through writing it, but it is an important story to tell. I believe it will help me heal in some way and help others as it is rare and misunderstood. It is a story of a c...
  4. How Nurses Cope with Death

    Working with death may be an inevitable part of a nursing career, depending on what area your focus is. Learning how to cope and manage death seems to vary from department to department. Please feel free to add to this and help your fellow nurses und...
  5. Going to a hospital and having a procedure done could be a very stressful experience for children. Some children in addition to anxiety of anticipating dealing with strangers, changing into a hospital gown, experiencing pain, internalizing anxiety of...
  6. Osteogenesis imperfecta is a rare inherited disorder which effects type one collagen throughout the body. At the current time there is no pharmacologic cure, but treatment is needed to manage the symptoms of this disease process (Osteogenesis Imperfe...
  7. Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is an irreversible pattern of multiple birth defects caused by maternal ingestion of alcohol during pregnancy. The noticeable facial features, small head, stunted growth, and behavioral issues are the result of alcohol th...
  8. Short Journey

    The first time I laid my eyes in this one month old baby, all I could feel was the fear of taking care of her. It was my first job as a nurse and I was so full of doubt when it came to my nursing skills in dealing with this angel. She was so fragile ...
  9. Alcohol exposure damages the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system of the developing fetus in an irreversibly destructive manner. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a notable pattern of birth defects caused by maternal ingestion of alcohol duri...
  10. Clinical awakening

    It was a warm fall morning. The alarm clock jarred me from my dreams at 4'oclock. I jump to turn it off so it does not wake my baby who is snoring in her crib. I almost want to pinch my husband in a jealous rage that he is sleeping so peacefully. I s...
  11. Grama Nancy

    We were extremely busy with all the RSV and Flu patients. I was notified of an admission of a 'seizure' 2-year-old. We hurried to set up the room and have things ready for this child. When she and her parents came to the unit, I assessed the child wa...
  12. Justhere

    My Little Mandona

    When I first began working with Baby he didn't have very many words in his vocabulary but did alot of pointing and grunting. Needless to say those that know me, know that I would talk to the wall if it would talk back. So I was going to get this litt...
  13. Merry Christmas, Little Angel

    Born with a cardiac anomaly, the family immediately noticed something was "wrong" with their child, but they did not know what. Thus began their journey to another country - our country - our state and our hospital - desperately seeking help. During ...
  14. Day in the Life of a Peds Onc RN

    The shift begins with assessing the ratios and assigning staff to various roles for the day ahead. Do we have enough nurses to provide exceptional care to each child and their family? Unfortunately (as in many areas of nursing) the answer to this alw...
  15. Mark your calendars! April 5th through April 8th, 2018 is the date!! Come network with your fellow SPN peers at the 28th Annual SPN Conference. Keep up with the latest in the field of pediatrics while earning CEUs from the 22.75 available. The Societ...
  16. We had to write a nursing specialty paper in my NR101 class based on what kind of nurse we want to be. You guessed it: I want to be a Pediatric Oncology Nurse. I've been thinking about this for quite some time now, and at one point I wanted to do it ...
  17. One of the biggest challenges we face as pediatric registered nurses is how to alleviate the fear and anxiety associated with getting an intravenous catheter or IV. As a pediatric nurse for over a decade, this RN has been witness to many different re...
  18. For Patrick

    He was indeed one of the sweetest patients I've ever cared for ever since he was transferred from Pay ward. Not once, did he complain all the agony and discomfort from needles ( as what I remember, since he never grumbled when I was the one injecting...
  19. I knew as a young child I wanted to work in the medical field. When I was 14yrs I was aware I would be called to be a nurse. I did not go straight to college after high school, instead, I decided to get married and have children. I began my career pa...
  20. At that time I was working in a small pediatric unit which unfortunately often pulled at the last vestige of a heart string that I dared be aware of. He lay in his bed, both legs broken by an abusive adult. He loved to have stories read to him. He lo...
  21. Caring for the pediatric population can be extremely demanding on the nurse at times. Incorporating multi-disciplinary care along with family centered care can be difficult and challenging, yet provides such a remarkable experience for the patient. A...
  22. ibmanda2000

    Pedi Home Health- My time with Joseph

    I had been working with medically fragile kids for over 10 years and while all of my patients were special to me, this one was different. I had been hearing about this "walkie-talkie" five-year-old boy for months, we'll call him Joseph. I was intrigu...
  23. The Boy with the Broken Heart

    Mom wanted to lie in the bed with the four-year-old, but that made it too difficult to manage his care, so she had to sit beside the bed. She kept her face close to his, whispering softly to Antonio. Dad stood behind her with his hands on Moms' shoul...
  24. I began my orientation with other, more experienced nurses. After a few weeks, I was on my own. Once I became familiar with the chemotherapy, protocols, diseases, and families I came to love working with oncology patients. They are an amazing group o...
  25. Pediatric Hospice Humor

    I had been the manager of our hospice inpatient unit for a couple of years. I had a fantastic nursing staff! I absolutely loved everything about that job with the exception of one thing; okay, maybe two, but the primary exception would have to be adm...