Topics About 'Nursing Professionalism'.
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"The only thing worse than an active conscience is one that's retroactive." - Harold Coffin. An active conscience is defined as an inner awareness of right and wrong, good and bad, that a person uses to constantly steer his or her conduct toward taki...
All nurses begin with a foundation of basic knowledge instilled during nursing school to which we add specialized knowledge in specific area(s) of practice through continuing education and experience. Developing clinical content mastery requires an e...
Unlike personal boundaries which you set for yourself, many professional boundaries are already established and are less flexible.The American Nurses Association's (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing se...
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines oppression as unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power. Due to its position on the social ladder combined with the sometimes unprofessional behaviors of its members, nursing is an oppressed occupation. Acc...
Burnout starts with an oath, taken at the pinnacle of pride and passion when entering a new profession. Burnout starts with caring, which is a quality we hope all health-care workers possess. Burnout starts with hope; hoping that we can make a differ...
Nursing, a caring profession or is this a lame description?Caring is such a mild description of what nurses are about. I believe the word care or caring are no longer adequate to describe what we as nurses do as a profession. I really do think you ha...
DO NOT ENTER - NO BOYS ALLOWED!!! As a child, my family took yearly vacations to a location that was more than 1,000 miles away. That meant many long hours in the car, sharing the back seat with my older brother. YUCK!! We were permitted to take thin...
This study identifies time and financial limitations as the most prevalent perceived organizational barriers to professional development. It further concluded that nurses place high value on professional development and take on some of the challenges...
I enjoy working as a nurse, I love being around patients and care for them; I like it because it is personable. But I also love being around nurses. I enjoy their presence because and I think of them as these wonderful caring human beings. I apprecia...
The economic climate in this country still remains somewhat sluggish several years after the official end of the Great Recession. In addition, dwindling reimbursement rates from Medicare and private insurance companies have placed an undeniable pinch...
A former colleague of mine, a lovely woman I'll call Lauren, made an enormous and fatal medication error on her first night shift off of orientation. She gave 5 mg. of digoxin IV push-not 0.5 mg. She drew up and injected 10 vials of digoxin. She reco...
I almost declined because there were plenty of families available, and I didn't know if it was really my place until his wife told me that he had commented: "have Jeff carry me to my grave, I know he won't drop me." I provided care for him twice a da...
There have been lawsuits and stories galore about HIPAA violations related to healthcare practitioners taking pictures of interesting wounds, markings, tattoos, etc. on patients, and when patients found out, they became upset and sued for violations ...
When it comes to nursing, I respect the profession for what it is, what it has been, and where it is headed. Am I proud to be part of the profession? Sure, in a subtle, I'm proud my hair is long kind of way. I own no nursing paraphernalia. I do not a...
"Would you like a visit?" You appear doubtful, hesitant and wounded on a level much deeper than physical as you, with quivering hands which flit like nervous birds, gather your blankets tighter around you and momentarily over your hair, tucking a few...
Am not just a nurse by profession Have been trained to make it my nature With my meekly tender on motion Blissfully showing the sick my affections Irrespective of their conditions A vow I pledged during my induction I am not just a nurse but a savior...
Nurses talk to Nurses and Doctors talk to Doctors, is this a general understanding of the circle of life within your health care facility? Or is it true to think that Doctors can express their discontent of a nurse but it is not considered acceptable...
Did you know that there is such a thing as email etiquette - for Work? I don't know about you, but I have tripped into many pitfalls with my emails! Emails can have a tone, attitude, rudeness, and they can be offensive! Many of us use email as a quic...
I'll start out by saying I'm a pretty open-minded person, but there are many things I do not and will not ever understand. There's a small part of me that thinks I might have been born in the wrong place and time because I just don't get certain thin...
I am sure the first nurses were motivated by a desire to alleviate pain and suffering. In the days of limited technology, a soothing voice, a reassuring hand, bandages, prayers and warm water might have been all they needed. I am sure many patients w...
Did you know that there are close to 6000 accusations filed by the BRN against RNs each year, in California alone? Most of those are the result of a BRN investigation, but many investigations don't make it to the Accusation stage. This means that the...
From the Book of Wisdom (which is one of the books in the Apocrypha of the Old Testament): "Wisdom is glorious, and never fades away, and is easily seen by those who love her and is found by those who seek her......For she goes about seeking such as ...
For starters, I will reveal that I am an African-American female with a very common anglicized first and last name. I am also friendly with a small handful of nurse managers, staff development personnel, and others who have at least some responsibili...
...speak softly...behave something for my health that would appall me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime...not try to improve anyone except myself". This morning, as I was confronted by a sinkful of dishes that my 18-year-old son f...
How many times do we as nurses find ourselves teetering on the edge of wrong and right? How do we find that perfect balance of in-between, the shade of grey between moral and immoral, ethical or unethical in our practice? Nursing is an occupation whe...