Topics About 'Getting Started'.

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Found 43 results

  1. Digital/ Hardcover Books

    Hi, I am starting Nursing school in the Spring, and I am purchasing books for the classes. I would like the advice whether or not should I purchase digital book? Or hard-cover is a better option? Thank you so much!
  2. I am proud to say that I passed my NLN with a composite score of 130 (=87 percentile). The third time is a charm! It was a long and frustrating road. The testing anxiety, tears, and doubt were very defeating, but the third time was filled with laught...
  3. Accepted! Now what? (NHTI)

    I got accepted to the RN program at my local community college (NHTI, starting this fall!) and I am very excited! Wondering what people recommend that students should brush up on/ study before their classes start? I am currently an LNA at the Hospita...
  4. What to study or know before nursing school?

    So basically I've already gotten into school and have a lot of time in my hands. I currently work full time as a security guard at a hospital and well don't do much but surely on my phone and occasionally wrestle with people. Was just curious if some...
  5. Nursing School APN Acceptance!!

    Background: I am 27 years old with 2 children 4 and 1. I completed my first semester this past fall with a 3.9 GPA for 17 credits. I took the PAX, the entrance exam required by my school, and scored a 150, which is in the 99%. My school actually has ...
  6. Study Tips for Nursing Students

    Were your grades less than ideal this semester? Are you just beginning to dive into college life and are worried about how to study and making the grades you need? It is important to take college seriously for several reasons. College is expensive! Y...
  7. So a lot of you are wondering what your compensation will be following nursing school. I can't speak for each state but in Texas, nurses are paid very well, combine that with an unrelenting passion and proficient skills set, it's money in the bank. (...
  8. Can I make it in?

    I'm currently completing my pre-reqs at my local community college and I anticipate on applying for the Spring 2023 ADN program. I have a C in psychology, 2 Bs and the rest are As. I am a caregiver. I plan on taking my ATI-TEAS after SPR '22 semester...
  9. NurseStudentK75

    Nursing School Acceptance

    For all of you out there struggling to get into nursing school, I say hang in there and stay strong! I decided to start my path to nursing school about 2 years ago at the age of 37. I had friends that criticized my decision to go into nursing so...
  10. Cheating in Pre-Reqs

    Cheating, especially in pre-reqs as a future healthcare worker, is like committing an abomination sin. Before you even start your program, you have shown what your work ethic is, and in other words, you can kiss your future career goodbye. Cheating h...
  11. As the end of August is quickly approaching, I am starting to see more and more posts in the forums about the start of nursing school approaching for many in our community. I thought I would take a moment to share a few pieces of my story, a few tips...
  12. Wanting to give up

    I have been a CNA for almost 15 years and I have taken almost but two of my RN pre-req's. I have two kids now but I really want to make a better life for us. I thought that if I did my LPN then I could just go back but this is the third time I didn't...
  13. Struggling! LPN School

    Hello all, I am currently in the LPN program and I’m only on the 3rd day but I am freaking out !! I have ZERO health care background or history not to mention I have no medical terminology knowledge or medical work background either. I feel like...
  14. First week done. I'm overwhelmed

    First week completed. Even though we are remote, I'm still feeling overwhelmed with everything. They said you don't feel comfortable until year 3. Hopefully I will get there someday. I do have great support. When did you feel comfortable as a school ...
  15. How to be Successful in Math Pre-Reqs

    As a former professor told me, you can’t escape math no matter how hard you try. In most pre-nursing courses, you must take math to be considered for the nursing program. In my community college, one can either chose between mathematical modeling or ...
  16. Dear Nurse Beth, I'm considering applying to RN school and leaving a career that I have never been successful at. But, I'm 47, have much debt, rent and other bills to pay, and am raising (along with my wife) two foster babies that we hope to soo...
  17. Trying to Study Ahead

    Hello all. I have a whole year before I start my first semester. It is a good idea to study ahead? Should I get into Fundamentals and pharmacology?
  18. I know this waiting period between submitting your application and an interview invitation can be quite anxiety-provoking. I've been there. But there is something you can do about it. There's often a very short turnaround time between when you receiv...
  19. A month ago, I wasn't nervous. I was pretty much just excited. The reality of nursing school didn't start to sink in until I had put in my notice at work, but still, my first day still felt so long away. My last day of work was 2 days ago. I've given...
  20. After reading here on allnurses for some time and observing the amount of questions from potential students regarding what hallmarks identify quality nursing programs, I thought I would draft this article. I did considerable research on programs base...
  21. Did anyone else get an acceptance to the May 2016 RPN program today? I see on their webpage that I need to complete a: Criminal Record CheckRecord of ImmunizationCPR Level D & Standard First Aid CertificateShould I start on those requirements rig...
  22. Joe V

    Never Give Up!

    A strong positive message can move mountains. What do you do to remind yourself to never give up? Is there someone in your life that's always there to pick you up? I believe that inspirational/motivational quotes are a great picker-upper... especiall...
  23. Will I Have a Chance?

    Has anyone gotten into nursing school with a “B” in anatomy and “C” for chemisty? This is looking bad for me and I am planning to take physiology and micro in the next year. I am also working as a CNA at the moment. I appreciate all comments!
  24. I've been lurking on this website for a couple years now and have finally joined now that I'm getting closer to applying to nursing school. I've had doubts about whether I'll be able to make it in. My GPA is not the greatest and I've had to retake cl...
  25. While there are some great answers from some wonderfully knowledgeable and patient nurses out there, I thought a how-to guide with every tip and secret I can think of, plus some more that I've only read about, would be an excellent resource for stude...