Topics About 'Delaware'.

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Found 107 results

  1. Christiana Care

    Hi I am just wondering if any one works or has worked for Christiana care. I have heard that they are a great employer, but most of my information has been second or third hand. I am currently...
  2. Hello everyone! My family and I are looking to relocate from Maryland to Delaware within the next year. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on where to move to and what hospitals/LTC...
  3. St Francis Nurse Internship 2013

    Hi. I'm starting this thread to see if anyone who interviewed for the program on 12/18 received a call for the 2nd interview
  4. Hello everyone I'm a new grad and just wanted to check on the other new grads out there having trouble finding a job in Delaware. I remember all the past post last from year, with many people...
  5. Hi, My girl friend is interested in relocating from the west to the east coast. We are particularly interested in the Philladelphia, Delaware, DC, NY, NJ areas. What are some of the nice hospitals...
  6. Dtcc Terry Campus

    Anyone else waiting to hear if they got into the Jan 2015 PN
  7. CNA training in delaware

    Hi, i'm 16 and I will be graduating next year. I'm going to go to nursing school and I heard you have to be a CNA first. I saw you could be 16 to get training to become a CNA. However i'm having some...
  8. New Graduate - HELP :)

    Hello! I just recently graduated from school with my ADN, and am a registered nurse in the state of Delaware. I am having the worst time getting a position anywhere! I have applied and applied and...
  9. I had my 2nd son on March 8th, 2002 at Christiana Hospital. He had some problem breathing after the c-section, so he stayed in NICU for 2 or 3 nights. It was a minor problem, but it was hard for me to...
  10. Christiana Hospital

    0 Hi. I recently moved to DE and applied to Christiana Hospital. I'm waiting anxiously to hear from HR. Is it hard to get a job there? I've been a nurse for 8 years with Telemetry, Stepdown and ICU...
  11. DCCC Students..A Question!

    Did you guys attend the information session? Was it especailly helpful? Also, what was your score on reading comprehension (NET) if you were accepted? Is 70 enough to get in or is it just enough to...
  12. Hello, newbie here

    :balloons: Hello, I just recently moved to DE, and so far I really like it. I will be going to del tech in the fall as a pre-nursing student. ( Owens Campus ) I was wondering if anyone else is going...
  13. delaware professional regulation - board of nursing board approved nursing programs de nursing programs de nursing program pass rates licensure requirements license by examination license by...
  14. Found in my Advance for nursing newsletter ... multiple positions available for those with TWO years experience....
  15. Hi everyone I wanted to reach out to all 34 other 2009 accelerated nursing students. I was curious to see what everyone was doing for work while in the program. I am trying desperately to work my...
  16. DTCC Terry campus clinical seats

    Hello, I applied for a clinical seat last week but could not get any info regarding on how many applicants applied and how many clinical seats they actually offer. Even for last year numbers! Can...
  17. Hi, everyone! I'll be moving to Wilmington this summer after I graduate in May. I've been looking out for the Christiana Residency programs for nurses for the June start-date. When I click on the...
  18. Job Opportunities for ADN's

    Hello everyone! I have JUST completed the ADN program at Delaware Tech & I graduate in two days. While I am thrilled to have made it through, I'm also very discouraged with the job market right...
  19. LPN JOBs

    Is anybody else in Delaware having a really hard time finding an LPN job????Everyone wants experience how are we supposed to get experience if no one will hire
  20. I recently was offered a position for Christiana Hospital ED nurse internship starting this june. Anyone else offered the internship? I would like to meet my new fellow interns! Also, has anyone heard...
  21. Christiana Care Externship

    I just had my phone and face to face interview for christiana care at Newark. Did anybody else applied for the externship
  22. nursing jobs in delaware

    I keep seeing a lot of posts on this site saying that new grads are having problems getting jobs. However, it seems like it may be subject to where you live. Just wanted to see if anybody in...
  23. Can i help me is very important

  24. I was told that a patient care technician could take the state boards for an LPN if they had the proper experience and knowlegde. But it is only offered in New Jersey. Is this really true??? Has...
  25. University of Delaware has begun to require 160 hours of independent, inpatient time to observe nursing up close. This time is to be completed before senior year and the beginning of nursing school...