Published Dec 13, 2005
62 Posts
hi suzanne, i called pa bon y'day and they said i ve been issued a lincense. i checked my status on their site this morning and i saw my name .
suzanne can you believe it?
i thank God so much for this victorry, had it not been for HIM ............
suzanne and all the great people of this forum thanx a billion.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Member success stories with Suzanne's program never cease to amaze me. Congratulations :balloons:
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
hi suzanne, i called pa bon y'day and they said i ve been issued a lincense. i checked my status on their site this morning and i saw my name .suzanne can you believe it?i thank god so much for this victorry, had it not been for him ............suzanne and all the great people of this forum thanx a billion.
i thank god so much for this victorry, had it not been for him ............
141 Posts
congradulations:balloons: :melody: :smiley_aa
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Congratulations!!! All the hard work has obviously paid off well!!!
:balloons: :rotfl: :biggringi :kiss :cheers: :flowersfo
112 Posts
:balloons: CONGRATULATIONS FOR A JOB WELL DONE. THANK GOD....ON YOUR VICTORY!!. Now take some time for yourself and relax.
1,987 Posts
congratulations! :balloons:
i wish you you many happy years as a nurse. go out and celebrate your wonderful accomplishments!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
you just made my day! i have been waiting to see you post that.
thank you!!!!
And thanks for proving that my way works. And all you had to do was buy one book.:)
I promised that you could follow in their footsteps................:)
Remember that.