Published Jul 31, 2004
55 Posts
Dear All,
I was just wondering if anyone was taking alternative medications for memory or fatigue. I am doing an accelerate BSN, a mom of three and still working for two hospitals. Admittedly, I am tired and somewhat stressed.
Is anyone taking or doing anything on the list that may be helpful for all of us? One thing I am doing: I boil peppermint tea at night, refrigerate it and take it with me in the morning. It is herbal and non-caffeinated. I find drinking it throughout the day has been just a little energizing. Even smelling it makes me feel a bit less tired.
Anyhow, any comments? Anyone taking Ginko? Just thought I would ask you all for your collective wisdom.
136 Posts
just so happens that i purchased a mineral called dmae from the vitamin shoppe...the guy that sold it to me printed off info about it right in the store, it helps with short term memory and he took it after having brain damage and being in a coma (he is just 30 yrs old) i took it for a may term class and i guessed it worked i made a "a". he said how it works is it sends chemical signals to the part of your brain that controls your memory and naturally stimulates them. i still have a full bottle because i can never remember to take a pill.
"that's why i have two kids now"!!!:rotfl:
hope this info helps and always research whatever you're thinking about taking first!
627 Posts
I've been taking ginkgo biloba since my short term memory disappeared between my divorce and nursing school and turning 40 (I'm 47 now). Don't know if improvement is due to being out of nursing school, moving away from ex, and making enough money to live on, or whether it's the ginkgo. :)
121 Posts
i have heard fish oil is really good for your memory. i have not taken it myself, but i have an acquaintance who swears by it!
10 Articles; 19,050 Posts
Swear by Ginkgo Biloba! Recommended by my family doctor to combast mid afternoon drowsiness due to other meds.
Most important is to use a reputable manufacturer, same dose to avoid problems,1525,788,00.html
801 Posts
Swear by Ginkgo Biloba! Recommended by my family doctor to combast mid afternoon drowsiness due to other meds. Most important is to use a reputable manufacturer, same dose to avoid problems,1525,788,00.html
1,907 Posts
Caffeine. I normally don't drink it, but I do when I have to get up really early (2 hr commuter) or study late. I usually drink a hot tea (I am looking for some Morning Thunder caffeinated tea right now :) ) on the way to school in my car, or Coke on late study nights. Otherwise I can't hang. It's pretty effective for me so I haven't ever looked for anything else.
527 Posts
I'm skeptical of anything that is not approved/regulated by the FDA. Please be careful.
952 Posts
Exercise. You can't beat it for improving memory & energy levels. Getting the blood moving at least 3 times a week will help immensely! :)
Angela Mac
219 Posts
Celestial Teas- makes a good sleepy time tea that works for me. I believe that if you have a good nights sleep, you will be less fatigued throughout the day. I hear that SAM-E helps moods & fatigue along with mild arthritic pain. My "nurse" friends promote it, although I have never tried it myself. :)
110 Posts
I used Red Bull to help me focus and smacked on almonds to help me stay calm when studying for Chem tests
suzy253, RN
3,815 Posts
Be very very careful of these drugs w/o FDA approval and alternative medicine drugs. A lot of them are very dangerous.