Study: Doctors don't wash hands properly 40% of the time


Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

GENEVA, Switzerland, Aug. 28 (UPI) -- A study found doctors in several countries do not wash their hands properly 40 percent of the time, World Health Organization officials in Switzerland say.

Nurses had the highest compliance rates at 71 percent across all sites -- at 43 hospitals in Costa Rica, Italy, Mali, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia -- before the intervention and after the intervention.

The intervention, the WHO Clean Care is Safer Care Program, explains to doctors, nurses and all those working with patients that hand hygiene should be performed at five key moments, preferably by using an alcohol-based rub or by hand washing with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

The five moments for hand hygiene are:

-- Before touching a patient.

-- Before clean and aseptic procedures such as inserting devices into the body such as catheters.

-- After contact with body fluids.

-- After touching a patient.

-- After touching patient surroundings.

Healthcare-associated and hospital-acquired infections usually occur when germs are transferred by healthcare providers' hands touching the patient. The most common infections are urinary tract and surgical site infections, pneumonia and infections of the bloodstream. They are often caused by multi-drug resistant germs such as methicillin-resistant S. aureus. ...

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Specializes in LTC Rehab Med/Surg.

Well........that's a shock.

But let's force the flu vaccine on people because that's going to make them wash their hands. *rolling my eyes*

From my own experience, I am not suprised. A lot of doctors ar really lazy/ignorant in thath respect.

I have to agree with everyone, not surprising. I guess the food industry and medical have a lot in common.

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

We have observers (supposed to be unknown) that audit our unit for hand hygiene compliance. This is a locked NICU so there are no true surprise visits. Our most recent audit showed 100% compliance from nurses on hand hygiene and 90% from the docs/NNPs. I think both of these figures are a little inflated but I know there is better compliance in this unit compared to adult units where I worked several years ago.

I wouldn't doubt the 40% or 71% figure as pretty accurate for general hospital patients.

Not a surprise to me

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PACU.

The surgeons who come to our unit are the WORST!!!!

Specializes in LTC.

I'm a CNA, and I will reprimand a doctor, nurse, another CNA, (or even President Obama if need be) in 1/2 of a heartbeat for not properly washing their hands. I don't care if they went to school for 60 years, they ARE NOT going to contaminate my residents in my presence. I'm pretty convincing, and most have learned. Usually when they see me, they head for a sink, because they know I'm not "the one" to play with in this regard, and they actually respect me for it now.

Was this in the well-known journal, No Sheet Sherlock, or the fabulous, Stuff We Already Knew, or my fave, Captain Obvious Monthly?

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Had a doctor who wore fancy ties. Well, in OB, you need NOT have that tie on when you are all in their "business" checking their cervix. HONESTLY his tie was dipping in her amniotic fluid on the bed while he was checking her. I told him that, he was like "ok" and went on to the next patient. Can you say, EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

Specializes in Emergency Department.
Had a doctor who wore fancy ties. Well, in OB, you need NOT have that tie on when you are all in their "business" checking their cervix. HONESTLY his tie was dipping in her amniotic fluid on the bed while he was checking her. I told him that, he was like "ok" and went on to the next patient. Can you say, EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!


Has this idiot not heard of Semmelweis or Lister?

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