Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

U.S.A. New York


ok, it's never too early to start a thread about applying for 2011 ... :D ... which i am most definitely doing even though i am still waitlisted for 2010. i just won't be able to attend this year if i get in ... :(

but that's ok! i'll be done with all my prereqs and have time to write a better application (if in fact that is at all possible, you know?).

anyone else applying to stony brook for summer 2011?

hey everyone. does anyone have any idea as to how many people are on the waiting list and/or how many people got in from the waiting list last year?

it seems like there are a few people who are accepted but aren't 100% decided for the program yet, so i'd guess at least a few of the seats will open up.

i guess my 4.0 science gpa and 3.8 MBA gpa didn't make up for the damage i did my first time as an undergrad! if only i knew then when i know now... ha!


I spoke to someone at the School of Nursing who said that they always call from the wait list, so there is definitely hope! I also recall going to an info session early last year during which admissions representatives said that they exhaust almost the entire alternate list every year, so I took that to mean that they call almost all the alternates? Sorry I don't know the exact stats or percentage or how they rank the list though...there is a School of Nursing info session coming up on Friday, March 25th, at 10am. Are you in the Stony Brook area? If you're around, it might be a good chance to ask questions! Good luck :)

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
@paco69 LOL I crashed and burned my first 2 yrs. I went to a private school and was miserable!! I was a chemistry major only to find out the program wasn't even accredited. But yeah, you just gotta keep going!! I still can't believe I got in and don't even think I deserve to. I even accepted a new job the day before I got my letter cause that's how much doubt I had. But life has a funny way of either sticking you on a snail ride or a sonic plane in the middle of a tornado!!anyway have you decided where you're going yet? I know you still had some interviews and other schools you were waiting on

I love that phrase you used that I bolded :D

No decision yet. I did accept SBU's offer but I am still waiting on these 2 FL schools ... and I won't hear from them until at least 3/15. So if I get in to one of these schools and I decide to go to one of them I may very well be giving up my SBU seat to a lucky alternate (I already hear some praying going on ... :lol2:)

Specializes in Hobbits.

Six people didn't show up to orientation last year. We spent the first hour or two introducing ourselves, and the Professors marked who wasn't there. Once they had the list, someone immediately left the room to call alternates. So keep your chin up!

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
Glad to hear you were spared last night! It sounds very frustrating and stressful to not be able to leave work at work, or I guess I should say at home? The monumental day will be here soon! Congrats on all the amazing changes you have made and are making in your life! :) A new journey awaits!

Speaking of changes...a very strange (but exciting!) thing happened today. So I know I mentioned earlier this week that I had been waitlisted...nevertheless, I have still been checking SOLAR multiple times a day hoping for some kind of miracle. Lo and behold, I just checked again and the "I accept" and "I decline" buttons were there! I couldn't believe it - I am shocked beyond belief. I will definitely be calling the School of Nursing first thing tomorrow morning - I hope this is for real! So to those who are waiting, there is still hope! It sounds like they have not made all their decisions yet. Good luck to all! :)

et, sorry I missed reading your message the first time - CONGRATULATIONS! :yeah: Sounds to me like you got off waitlist, BUT do respond and let us know, I don't want to be too premature. My accept and decline buttons were accompanied by a clear acceptance letter, so I can't imagine that you did not see that too if you had one. Did you know I was waitlisted for my law school as well several years ago and 2 weeks later I got in? So I know how you feel :)

Hey those who applied to the 2 year program will yall please update on here when you hear something. I know we have some time but let's wait together again. At least for me it's nice to know I'm not alone. Thanks! :thankya::thankya:

So far all i've heard is that we will be waiting till April, sigh.

I just got my answer..waitlisted.. I am so upset.... Do you think it was better odds of getting in if I was waitlisted a few weeks ago or now?Honest answers!!!

et, sorry I missed reading your message the first time - CONGRATULATIONS! :yeah: Sounds to me like you got off waitlist, BUT do respond and let us know, I don't want to be too premature. My accept and decline buttons were accompanied by a clear acceptance letter, so I can't imagine that you did not see that too if you had one. Did you know I was waitlisted for my law school as well several years ago and 2 weeks later I got in? So I know how you feel :)

Paco - Thank you! I was ecstatic when I saw the change last night, but I didn't want to be too premature either. I can now say that it is for real! :) Wow, so you had a very quick acceptance for law school too! That's awesome. It is such a surreal feeling! I am so thankful. I saw you mentioned that you will be hearing back from the other accelerated program around March 15 - good luck! Wishing you all the best...please keep us posted!

So don't lose hope if you found out you're on the alternate list! Best of luck to everyone! :)

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
I just got my answer..waitlisted.. I am so upset.... Do you think it was better odds of getting in if I was waitlisted a few weeks ago or now?Honest answers!!!

Here is the honest answer you requested: you're gonna drive yourself mad trying to figure out the secret formula. I have been in your shoes, and I can tell you, to do what I did saves you a lot of grief. First, be grateful that it's not a flat out rejection. This means you are still in the running. Second, patiently await and pray that somehow room will open up for you. If it is meant to be, your seat will ne waiting for you. I know the wait will ne difficult, but at this point you can't do anything more. I'm wishing you lots of luck! I know lots of these SBU students are not on allnurses, I can only hope you all get special vibes!

Congrats et2114!!!! looking forward to being your classmate!!! If you have a facebook look for the grou Stony Brook U ABSN Class of 2012. There's about 20 ppl there and we're all psyched to meet each other and get started.

@paco69 that sucks! was really hoping I'd get to meet you in person at stony brook! Well wherever you go and whoever ends up being your study buddy or project partner is gonna be really lucky!

Congrats et2114!!!! looking forward to being your classmate!!! If you have a facebook look for the grou Stony Brook U ABSN Class of 2012. There's about 20 ppl there and we're all psyched to meet each other and get started.

@paco69 that sucks! was really hoping I'd get to meet you in person at stony brook! Well wherever you go and whoever ends up being your study buddy or project partner is gonna be really lucky!

moocow1213 - Thank you!!! Congrats to you as well! I'm looking forward to being your classmate too :) Awesome, I will search for the group!

To all who are waiting - stay positive! I know it's kind of tough to know how to feel when you find out you're waitlisted, but hang in there! Good luck!

Hey those who applied to the 2 year program will yall please update on here when you hear something. I know we have some time but let's wait together again. At least for me it's nice to know I'm not alone. Thanks! :thankya::thankya:

I'll keep checking on here as well, and once we find out about the 2 year program we can start up a facebook page as well. Good luck to everyone waiting, I'm praying I get in to the 2 year. Fingers crossed, toes crossed, and my dogs paws crossed (all 20 of them, since I have 5 dogs). lol :lol2:

I am a 2 year program hopeful also, so I will keep checking back here. Paco's thread lives on!!!! For those wait-listed, I do know someone who was called to start the first day of class off the wait-list, so you never know...

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