Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

U.S.A. New York


ok, it's never too early to start a thread about applying for 2011 ... :D ... which i am most definitely doing even though i am still waitlisted for 2010. i just won't be able to attend this year if i get in ... :(

but that's ok! i'll be done with all my prereqs and have time to write a better application (if in fact that is at all possible, you know?).

anyone else applying to stony brook for summer 2011?

Thank you, my friend :up: ... I do appreciate your kind words ... nice to hear them at this dark hour in the morning especially when it's 1am and I am (wait for it) ... still working :eek: ... and mind you, I am salaried and not paid overtime. Now you see why I can't stand my job? :mad: ... Hitting the ceiling may be an understatement, I may have literally hit the ceiling and feeling concussion symptoms. I am actually looking forward to the day when I give notice to my job, my boss will probably ask me why I am leaving -- and I will have to muster everything in my being to keep from LOL. She can't spare the 5 hours it will take to explain it. Besides, she has no clue that I am transitioning to nursing. As far as she's concerned, I am sure she thinks I am as happy as a clam. I work from home and have a territory that I manage, my boss is at a corporate office 200 miles away. I've literally had enough. I hate working from home now, it's no longer my sanctuary. I sit and watch TV and the laptop stares back at me with emails to answer. Ugh! Need to work in a hospital and leave work there. That will be true paradise in my book :D

Good to hear you're waitlisted ... I know that sounds weird to say but at least you still have some hope! Good luck!

Thanks for your well wishes! Yes, there is still hope :) I am definitely very grateful and am staying positive. I hope this message doesn't find you working and burning the midnight/early morning oil once again! One of my friends also spent a number of years working from home and is now transitioning into health care. I think that working from home became very isolating for him, especially since he is very much a people person! Anyway, your paradise is on the horizon! Good luck and keep us posted :)

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
Thanks for your well wishes! Yes, there is still hope :) I am definitely very grateful and am staying positive. I hope this message doesn't find you working and burning the midnight/early morning oil once again! One of my friends also spent a number of years working from home and is now transitioning into health care. I think that working from home became very isolating for him, especially since he is very much a people person! Anyway, your paradise is on the horizon! Good luck and keep us posted :)

Actually, it's almost 11am, so no I was spared a burning last night :D ... my job is not too isolating considering I have to also work with people at sites throughout my territory during the week - I drive a lot and that also is kind of old. My home is also my office so the two have blended together so much I find it hard to separate. Work is constantly running through my brain wherever I am (even on vacation: I was in Brazil last summer during one of the worst times to be away and had no choice but to check email once a day while away, that freaking sucked! :mad:) ... I look forward to the monumental day when all this changes hands!

I still haven't heard...Anyone else out there in limbo like me still?????

Specializes in ICU.

Still waiting. I've almost given up :yawn:

Specializes in ICU.

just got a response... waitlisted. I don't even know how to feel lol. Am i supposed to be excited or depressed?

hey everyone. does anyone have any idea as to how many people are on the waiting list and/or how many people got in from the waiting list last year?

it seems like there are a few people who are accepted but aren't 100% decided for the program yet, so i'd guess at least a few of the seats will open up.

i guess my 4.0 science gpa and 3.8 MBA gpa didn't make up for the damage i did my first time as an undergrad! if only i knew then when i know now... ha!

hi Everyone I was accepted to the 1yr program, but my GPA wasn't outstanding. Like some of us I did poorly my first 2 yrs of school. I transferred to Stony Brook and graduated with a 3.2 (which isn't terrific), but my last year I was in the HSC program and got on the dean's list for both semesters. after graduation I took some pre-reqs (about 7 courses) I got a 4.0. It's not based solely on grades, if it was then I def don't deserve to get in... and I still can't believe I'm in it considering most of the ppl prob did so much better in school than I did.

All I have to say is keep trying I was getting waitlisted and rejected from schools for the last 2 yrs!! so what I did was get amazing letters of recommendations (2 doctors and 1 professor), 4 years of health care exp., and one kick ass essay. The essays suck we know, they're so vague and sometimes impossible to answer. But make sure it's something you're proud of, include personal experiences in it that may reflect your nursing abilities. Do some research on what exactly nursing is. Lastly jsut keep trying!!! I know what it's like to be rejected/waitlisted.. 2 yrs getting those "we regret to inform you..." letters, but If I can get in with not so fantastic grades, so can you!!!

Glad to hear you got in. Thank you for being supportive. I still see no new tabs on solAR...what time did you guys hear?

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

moocow1213, Congratulations!! :)

Glad to see I am not the only example of not giving up after waitlist and not getting in. I admire your perseverance and your dedication.

Years ago, as a freshman in college, I got 2 D's in the sciences and I gave up going into health care. 20 years later, I'm correcting that mistake. As you can see, you don't need just perfect grades. Like Jaime Escalante said in Stand and Deliver, you need the "ganas" ... the desire! Let that come through in everything you do and the path will lead you on.

Never give up!!!

Hey those who applied to the 2 year program will yall please update on here when you hear something. I know we have some time but let's wait together again. At least for me it's nice to know I'm not alone. Thanks! :thankya::thankya:

Actually, it's almost 11am, so no I was spared a burning last night :D ... my job is not too isolating considering I have to also work with people at sites throughout my territory during the week - I drive a lot and that also is kind of old. My home is also my office so the two have blended together so much I find it hard to separate. Work is constantly running through my brain wherever I am (even on vacation: I was in Brazil last summer during one of the worst times to be away and had no choice but to check email once a day while away, that freaking sucked! :mad:) ... I look forward to the monumental day when all this changes hands!

Glad to hear you were spared last night! It sounds very frustrating and stressful to not be able to leave work at work, or I guess I should say at home? The monumental day will be here soon! Congrats on all the amazing changes you have made and are making in your life! :) A new journey awaits!

Speaking of changes...a very strange (but exciting!) thing happened today. So I know I mentioned earlier this week that I had been waitlisted...nevertheless, I have still been checking SOLAR multiple times a day hoping for some kind of miracle. Lo and behold, I just checked again and the "I accept" and "I decline" buttons were there! I couldn't believe it - I am shocked beyond belief. I will definitely be calling the School of Nursing first thing tomorrow morning - I hope this is for real! So to those who are waiting, there is still hope! It sounds like they have not made all their decisions yet. Good luck to all! :)

@bern69, I got my letter middle of feb. feb 18th to be exact. :-)

@paco69 LOL I crashed and burned my first 2 yrs. I went to a private school and was miserable!! I was a chemistry major only to find out the program wasn't even accredited. But yeah, you just gotta keep going!! I still can't believe I got in and don't even think I deserve to. I even accepted a new job the day before I got my letter cause that's how much doubt I had. But life has a funny way of either sticking you on a snail ride or a sonic plane in the middle of a tornado!!anyway have you decided where you're going yet? I know you still had some interviews and other schools you were waiting on

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