Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

U.S.A. New York


ok, it's never too early to start a thread about applying for 2011 ... :D ... which i am most definitely doing even though i am still waitlisted for 2010. i just won't be able to attend this year if i get in ... :(

but that's ok! i'll be done with all my prereqs and have time to write a better application (if in fact that is at all possible, you know?).

anyone else applying to stony brook for summer 2011?

hi everybody I'm a little late to this party (fashionably though haha) but I was also accepted to the stony brook 1yr nursing program for 2011. I can't wait to meet my future collegues in a few months :))

For those who are still waiting don't worry, I've waited almost 2 years applying left and right even considered moving to Cali... it's frustrating but it will happen!!

Question: is anyone planning to dorm?? I tried to fill out an application for summer housing but the link didn't work.

hey on the website it says orientation is June 28 - 29 and classes start the next day, I could be a day off. But I'm sure it was the last day of June. Look forward to seeing you in a few months

moocow...congrats! join our facebook group Stony Brook ABSN Class of 2012

i checked my SOLAR and I didn't get in. It's actually not easy to find the decision information! Oh well...

I just saw my answer- it's a no...was really hoping for the waitlist at least, but now I can plan what to do next. So sad.:crying2:

Best wishes to all of you!!

I also was not accepted. Good luck to the rest.

I'm sorry to hear you both weren't accepted. I just got off phone with them and they say maybe by end of the week the rest of us will hear.

This is slightly off topic but, where are you guys getting the info for the stonybrook nursing program?!?! I applied to SUNY SB last year for a different program and got accepted but when i went to look at their nursing program its just a brief paragraph and No real admissions info or anything like that. i didnt even know they had an accelerated program?! am i just missing something or is there more info elsewhere?

when you go to nursing page, go to prospective students link. info on the i year accelerated and 2 year bs program is there. we are referring to stonybrook's solar system, which is where our aceptance oe rejection is posted.This is how we are notified.

Paco69 please can you tell us what were your undergraduate GPA and prerequisites GPA? And also did you have any experience in the health care system?


I didn't get in either, hopefully I will get in to the 2 year. Good luck to everyone.

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
i checked my SOLAR and I didn't get in. It's actually not easy to find the decision information! Oh well...

I just saw my answer- it's a no...was really hoping for the waitlist at least, but now I can plan what to do next. So sad.:crying2:

Best wishes to all of you!!

I also was not accepted. Good luck to the rest.

I didn't get in either, hopefully I will get in to the 2 year. Good luck to everyone.

:hug: to each and every one of you! Good luck in your quest towards being a nurse. I know I will get stabbed for saying this again as I sound like a broken record ... NEVER GIVE UP! Don't let one NO determine the path for the rest of your life! Trust me, when I become an RN I will return to this thread and continue to encourage everyone!

Paco69 please can you tell us what were your undergraduate GPA and prerequisites GPA? And also did you have any experience in the health care system?


My prereq GPA depends on the school and what courses they require. For Stony Brook, it was a 4.0. My undergrad GPA is @ 3.4 if you include my 1st bachelor's GPA and all subsequent undergrad courses I took thereafter like prereqs. My 1st bachelor's GPA is a 3.2. As far as experience with health care, the only one I have is volunteering @ a hospital. Have been there 2 years.

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