Still no ATT.... Ohio =(

Nursing Students NCLEX


According to the Ohio Board of Nursing.... our school information was received to the Ohio board of nursing on May 27. However, they are so far behind! Last I heard they were working on information that was received on May 14th! Not sure what else I can do but sit here and wait.... This may take months! What to do?! :no:

The waiting game in Ohio sucks. There doesnt seem to be a order to how the state is processing the applications. Three people from my class have recieved their ATT's that I know of, and one tested last week. It doesnt seeem to make any sense, because my school sent our paperwork in super late(June 10). I am not complaining if they are processing our paperwork now, but it seems odd that only a couple people have gotten their ATT. I can't seem to get the state to return an email or phone call.

I heard the same thing (BON is backed up, you won't test till October, etc.). Our school didn't get our paperwork in until mid-June. Imagine my surprise when I got my ATT last week, and could have taken the exam this week if I wanted to (but that was the last June appointment). I am testing at the center closest to my house in less than two weeks -- and there were plenty of open appointments in July and August (although there were no Saturday appointments till mid August). Don't get sucked in and discouraged by the rumors.

Specializes in Telemetry.
I heard the same thing (BON is backed up, you won't test till October, etc.). Our school didn't get our paperwork in until mid-June. Imagine my surprise when I got my ATT last week, and could have taken the exam this week if I wanted to (but that was the last June appointment). I am testing at the center closest to my house in less than two weeks -- and there were plenty of open appointments in July and August (although there were no Saturday appointments till mid August). Don't get sucked in and discouraged by the rumors.

WOW that's great!!! =)

ugh they need to step their game up! Can't they hire more people to work at the office during rush hour season...jeez!!

The waiting game in Ohio sucks. There doesnt seem to be a order to how the state is processing the applications. Three people from my class have recieved their ATT's that I know of, and one tested last week. It doesnt seeem to make any sense, because my school sent our paperwork in super late(June 10). I am not complaining if they are processing our paperwork now, but it seems odd that only a couple people have gotten their ATT. I can't seem to get the state to return an email or phone call.

We're the people who got their ATT numbers associated in any way with the military? Ours was to OBN on May 23rd. As of today, they are just on May 14th. They've been working on that day for almost two weeks. This is so ridiculous!!!,

I heard the same thing (BON is backed up, you won't test till October, etc.). Our school didn't get our paperwork in until mid-June. Imagine my surprise when I got my ATT last week, and could have taken the exam this week if I wanted to (but that was the last June appointment). I am testing at the center closest to my house in less than two weeks -- and there were plenty of open appointments in July and August (although there were no Saturday appointments till mid August). Don't get sucked in and discouraged by the rumors.

What the heck! They told me they give ATT numbers by date received. They got my paperwork a month ago and they are not even close to my date! I am jealous you got your number already.

I don't know what to say. I had my background check done and sent to the BON in February, and filed my application at the earliest opportunity -- the week after graduation (so, mid-May). I also registered and paid Pearson that week as well. Perhaps having my fingerprints done so early got me started in the process before the glut of applications came in closer to graduation? I have no idea.

I know one girl that recieved hers is ex-military, but she is the only one who has received it that was. One of the people sent their paperwork in way after most of the class and recieved it last week sometime. My status went from pending to "incompete" because it says my education verification was not recieved. As you can guess Im freaking out and talked to the school. The secretary confirmed she sent it out with the rest, and assured me if its not fixed by the end of the week that she would remail it. I emailed the board regarding the issue and they responded with " We are still on those recieved may 14", and I recieved this yesterday. I dont understand why they even made changes to my status if they are still on "May 14". According to my review course instructor we will be waiting a long time. Sorry for babbling...

RiloAsh - Start studying! :yes: Shortly before I got my ATT my status changed from "pending" to "application incomplete." Coincidence...? I think not. ;)

California is horrible too. I say you call, be a pain!

RiloAsh - Start studying! :yes: Shortly before I got my ATT my status changed from "pending" to "application incomplete." Coincidence...? I think not. ;)

Really?!? I hope that is the case! I started my review class this week and I've read a bit of Kaplan since graduation. Its officially study time. Thank you for the energy boost! :roflmao:

Mine and a majority of my classmates has said "application incomplete" for over a month and still no ATT number. This waiting game is awful. They said there were 23 schools before ours and they are still on the 14th. :-(

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