Still no ATT.... Ohio =(

Nursing Students NCLEX


According to the Ohio Board of Nursing.... our school information was received to the Ohio board of nursing on May 27. However, they are so far behind! Last I heard they were working on information that was received on May 14th! Not sure what else I can do but sit here and wait.... This may take months! What to do?! :no:

My friend called the board yesterday and they said that they are processing the applications from May 28. A mutual friend received her att wedsnesday and her application was received on May 27. I hope this helps!

Specializes in Telemetry.

I am so glad I found this post! We graduated on 7/11 and our school mailed our info to the BON on that day. I have been a nervous wreck waiting for any kind of info from the board. Glad to know that they are behind and it is nothing on my part! I am pending on their website and have paid pearson, so now it's just a waiting game. I'm working on my Kaplan Review, so hopefully I'll be prepared when they get around to processing our applications!! I just want to get it over with!!!!!!!

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