St joseph hospital school of nursing.

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hello everyone, I am new I am glad to see that there is a site where I can communicate with nurses from all over. I have a question. I recently applied to St joseph Hospital school of nursing located at 8th girard ave in philadelphia, PA. It is an accelerated one year RN program. I am somewhat concerned because I don't know much about the school. They don't even have a website. I wm currently working on prequisites to start the program in november. It is fairly new and just opened up about three years ago. I would love to get the input of someone that knows about the program or has graduated from it...thanks a lot.

Well I was accepted into the program, but when I talked to finacial and realized that they were putting all of their marbles on sallie mae to get tiuition, I decided not to go...I didn't even start the school and I already relized that they don't value their students and it's all about the money.I just thought it was so unbelievable that they couldn't offer at student with a 3.3 GPA, 86 net test composite score, a penny towards tuition! I can't go to a school like that!

They can't even get good people to work for them. They seem like they have leftovers who can't get a job somewhere else! When I saw

finacial aid-she said sallie mae loans were cut off right now-to the

general public-that's why we need to get the private loans. Don't

believe that for a second. they have problems. The state should be contacted!

You are right. They are having major problems, because you cannot continue to take honest and hard working students money and think there want be anything done. Students have rights and more rights than what this school think. There is a legal student right handbook that all schools and educational schools must follow. However, this school think they can violate students and it is alright, when students are paying customers and without students there will not be.a nursing school. I am very happy to read that students and prospective students are taking this situation serious. Please make sure you pass this information on to other prospective students.

Are the students even treated with respect on the clinical sights? How are the clinicals anyway, any learning there?

Lord God, I am so glad I read this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just to let you know: if you are late for clinicals you will be sent home no matter what the situation is and I am talking about one minute or later. If you miss two clinicals or if you are late twice, you will be kicked out of the nursing program. Most nursing schools allow students to make up missed clinicals for a fee, which is a better approach than which this nursing school is offering. Keep in mind that the same instructors that teach lecture also teach at the clinical site. So if you have an instructor who has mobility issues and who has not been doing med surg., because their experience is in psych nursing for over thirty years, how much exposure are you gaining as a student and if the person cannot mobilize then how much assistance will you get

As a student nurse you need instructors who come to the table with good skills and willing to go above and beyond with educating student nurses to become competent nurses. You would think, because of this program being one year, they would definitely have well seasoned instructors, instead of experimenting as well as taking a chance of failure of a program and students. I concluded that this school is revolving door. Meaning basically they are in business to. Make fast money and that is their priority. I

I am happy that you read the post, but please pass this information on, because we need to help safe others from making bad investments. Thank you!

I wish I knew others applying but I don't! I'm hoping to get into another program for September! Please keep fingers crossed!

Wish you lots of luck though! Hope more people find this before it's to late.................Did anyone else read the pushy,gushy, immature, 20 yr old letter on the web site from Little Gracie, this girl hasn't even really begun her life yet, she stated that........."I don't have any children, spouse, or boyfriend to stress me out or get in the way of my dream of succeeding". So if you plan to go the nursing school you need to be 20 and single. You can't be a married, mom, or your set up for failure due to stress. Sweetie there are many stresses in life not just those! We wives and mothers are very offended by this, I think I speak for all? We can change careers if we want, maybe you'll hate nursing in 10 yrs and want a change. Also, next line, "my mind is still keen and fresh because I just graduated from Highschool ". So if your older and a mom, forget it you lost it awhile ago! No,we have much more experience dear! So if this is what they want in there school, good for them, more experience is always better!

We wives and mothers are very offended by this, I think I speak for all?

I'm just a wife and not a mother, so can't speak to the mother part, but I think being married actually will make nursing school easier (for me anyway): we'll be able to live on his income during the program, so I don't need to stress over living expenses.

Her words are poorly chosen, but doesn't having kids make things at least a little harder?

It also strikes me as weird that they put this letter up on the website- seems more of a personal thank you for being given a spot than a public recommendation of the school....

I wish you all the luck in the world with your future as a nurse and never let noone destroy your dream, because the sky is the limit. So stay focus and positive with your goal.

Yes, I agree motherhood can be a little more stressful, certainly doesn't mean I can't fullfill a dream. Yes, my point also was that, I to, couldn't believe they posted this letter on there site.

This young girl with no life experience will meet alot of heart ache during this career move. Her attitude make me wonder is she in this for the passion of helping others or the money. If its the latter, you are in the wrong profession and waiting for a lawsuit to happen where you will lose everything. Rethink your goals. It was very offensive for you to write that stuff on this site, I wish you luck. Back too the school, Anyone going there please rethink your position, they may not be around for long.......... Don't waste your money or your time.

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