St joseph hospital school of nursing.

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hello everyone, I am new I am glad to see that there is a site where I can communicate with nurses from all over. I have a question. I recently applied to St joseph Hospital school of nursing located at 8th girard ave in philadelphia, PA. It is an accelerated one year RN program. I am somewhat concerned because I don't know much about the school. They don't even have a website. I wm currently working on prequisites to start the program in november. It is fairly new and just opened up about three years ago. I would love to get the input of someone that knows about the program or has graduated from it...thanks a lot.

Just Wanted All You To Know That The School Got It Funding Today Fun How Things Workout. Former Student By The Way 20 Graduated 12 Pass The Nclex.

Still doesn't mean it's a good school, the way things are ran is horrible. Did they pass the boards on there own accord by teaching themselves? Are you still talking about the first class? God forbid they return a phone call, why did all the past teachers leave?

They recieved funding? Is that through federal stafford loans or through pheaa nurse loan program?

12 out of 20 is still only a 60% pass rate...

First time nclex pass rate for this school was five students out of twenty. The other seven students passed after more than one attempt and this does not count with the state board of nursing. Therefore, the school had a pass rate of twenty five percent. Do not take this the wrong way,because I am happy that the other seven students passed, because this is to much money to waste. Congrats to the seven students that hung in there and did everything in their power, because the school did not support you to the fullest. I hope and pray that the other eight students make it.

They do not have a sixty percent pass rate, because only five students passed the nclex the first time, which means they have twenty five percent pass rate. This can be confirmed through Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing. The is not fully funded, because they are not accredited and that is why you cannot transfer your nursing classes anywhere.

There must be somebody that will be attending the program in January because they haven't changed the start date and they just posted the required booklist for January on their website.

I know several people who are starting the program in Jan. Two where in prev. nursing schools and one just starting her nursing education. I believe the program has it's problems but to be honest all nursing schools have issues. Montco changed there test pass rate a couple of years ago and students that were in the program wrote letters to be grandfather under prev. score, they refused a hand full of students fail. Most of color or other origin) Abington Hospital school is a great program but check out there class photo and acceptance rate for people of color. You may see one per class. My best friend went to Northeastern a very smart women in school failed the Nclex twice and she hated the school the whole time she was there. I believe any student at any school will hate part or all of it and we all have our own experiences. I believe things happen when you make them happen. You have to have faith in the Person. The school I went to had great teachers but you were tutored by other nursing students in the upper levels in a lab not by the instructors. They had other classes, families, and some were still working. Teachers don't get paid that much.

The school is two years old not seasoned. Think about your two year child or the beginning of anything you tried. Anything takes time to succeed or fail. Nothing is great in the beginning. I believe give the school time and let it take it course. People seem bitter due to their experiences it is sad but time will tell the school future.

First year students from any nursing program always have it the toughest. The grit and determination to try something new and plug along, persevere to graduation is admirable. New programs are not eligible for NLN or AACN accreditation until at least 2 years and proven track record of graduates.

BON closely monitor programs, NCLEX pass rates and corrective action taken to improve passage NCLEX exam. School must be accredited in order to get federal loans --so its a catch 22 situation.

NCLEX Performance - RN

From the reports here and NCLEX pass rate 25 % (25 took test, 5 passed), program needs to provide more student assistance/tutors and beef up curriculum instruction.

Credits taken here will not transfer to another institution at this time. If you are concerned about this issue, look at other programs.

Northeastern and Frankford hospitals still have diploma programs.

PA: Professional Nursing Programs

Since one is a paying consumer of education, document your legitimate specific concerns in writing professional letter to the powers at the school:

Nursing Director/Dean, Program Board even up to Hospital Board if your concerns are not acknowledged. If everyone just talks about significant issues, but doesn't formally document concerns in writing, action can't be taken nor problems ignored --especially when letter cc'd to school Admin Team.

As a manager, I'm often surprised that my staff will talk about serious issues amongst themselves but don't clue me in: copier broken, spider infestation and biting staff; door arm broken...staff member resigned and walked out with letter sent to healthsystem CEO. :eek: The eyes on the back of my head only work so far!

Any graduate/student from this program looking for assistance passing boards, please contact me. I'll try and help.

I think it was wonderful of you to offer YOUR help. You didn't have to. That tells me you are the type of nurse that I want to have working next to me. One that is willing to help whenever possible. I will be calling on you for help. Thank you again.

I do agree with the posts that talked about taking responsibity for your performance as a student and making the absolute most of your education. Nursing, clearly takes a lot of work, time, responsiblity.:specs:

Although, after reading all of the posts about the nursing schools from hell :angryfire, I think it also boils down to RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH. One of the best options for searching for schools are using the BON websites for the specific state. BON usually provides info on the state's accredited nursing schools. provides a search for nursing programs that are nationally accredited at all degree levels. I've even found a lot of info on :up:and definately from the forums on this site (

I think many of us feel anxious because of the competitiveness of nursing school, but we have to be extremely proactive in researching prospective schools prior to applying to them. Think about it, we've spent a year completing pre-reqs, the cost of an education can be outrageous, earning an education is extremely time consuming and as student nurses, we're learning to sustain another persons LIFE:redbeathe. Why throw all of that hard work and responsibilty into the hands of a program that won't even provide the BASICS? It is our responsibility to educate ourselves about these programs and to some degree educate each other (allnurses is perfect word of mouth).

Consider having a loved one being in the care of a person who didn't take their education seriously. Or having a loved one being cared for by a person who wasn't given the proper clinical/skills training (as described in some of the other posts).:crying2:

It definately can be hard and sometimes discouraging. We must weigh all of our options and most importantly PRAY for the clarity needed to make the right life changing decisions.

I'm sorry if it seems that I'm coming on strong, but it's unfortunate that there are so many programs out there trying to take advantage of what people don't know.:confused:

Also keep in mind..the school is the tool, the nurse is the person. Pretty much all the friends are nurses. In different areas and different levels. Some are RN's some have their BSN and MSN. I love them all and they went to very, very good schools and unverisities. A couple of them I would not let care for my dog. I really love my dog. They were book smart, great test taker, got through clinicals, but care more about the money and their grades than the patients. Doing well in school is great and going to a good school is awesome but don't confuse the education with the person in the uniform. I know LPN's with more knowledge than some nurses. I say focus on YOUR studies whereever You are and do YOUR best to be a great NURSE.:redbeathe:heartbeat

Just Wanted All You To Know That The School Got It Funding Today Fun How Things Workout. Former Student By The Way 20 Graduated 12 Pass The Nclex.

I got that news too from a friend going to the school. God always works things out. Stay faithful. :redpinkhe

I think people are really looking at this whole program in a very negative way. I think is great that 20 passed and 12 passed the NCLEX. Good for them. They are RN's and working. That is the Goal. They only have two classes. Second, if you are waiting for a school to call you back as an source of their worth you are looking at the wrong area. None of the schools call back right away. They are receiving hundreds of calls and application a day. They don't have time to call each people back by the end of the day. Abington School states on their voicemail to not leave a msg if you already left one. They will contact you as soon as possible. My friend in Montco stated to me yeasterday that she doesn't know who her teacher will be in the spring due to it will be a new instructor. The instructor in the fall was new and now she is gone. Teacher come and go. New teacher don't make that much money. The ones that stay love teaching and do it for that reason.

Yes, every school has flaws, but something is more fishy about this one.

No they don't need to call everyone back by the end of the day, a week later after more then one phone call is pushing it. There a small school, how busy could they be, when you have questions that are gonna help in your decision making. Then when the call you back finnally and there absolutely rude. There rude and money hungry, I could have accepted if I wanted to. Look @ Frankford where you get a even better education, 10,000 a year. At this point in my life my good education is worth it, I'd rather wait.

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