Sleeping On Unit

Nurses General Nursing

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My manager gave me a paper to sign saying 2 nurses said I was sleeping at the nursing station and ignoring my patient alarms. I told him I wasn’t even at the nursing station the entire shift and was sitting at the computer on wheels in front of my patients room. I was highly confused by this accusation and reached out to the nurses that were on shift and they admitted I wasn’t even at the nursing station and they never seen me sleeping.

I was still asked to sign a first warning. I am highly emotional over this accusation that is a lie and don’t think it’s fair. I can’t stop crying. 

BTW I was written up for taking a nap while I was off the clock. It was an entirely different discipline than nursing that reported me. I tried to reason with the nurse manager, but the manager wrote me up. That is why I have no respect for those pathetic individuals.

Specializes in Pediatrics Telemetry CCU ICU.
On 8/26/2022 at 11:31 AM, Aloe_sky said:

Thank you, I was put on the spot and never had a write up before, I did sign it. I am wondering if I can go to HR and have them open an investigation. This has really hit me hard and I don’t see my manager or coworkers the same. I don’t know who to trust. 

It sounds pessimistic but I have never completely trusted anyone.  Sounds like you need to brush up on Labor Law and harassment.  They don't deserve your tears.  Start by going into HR and asking that the write up be rescinded, that you felt pressured into signing something you did not agree with and that now you feel that they have "created a hostile work environment."  That is legal speak for, "I am not going to take this harassment and will take it to the labor board if I have to."  Believe me, you will earn mad respect from then on in.  I have seen this as a new trend lately.  They will pick on the newer nurses, ones that they feel will believe anything.  They will "feel you out"......if you signed this then what else can they convince you that they have power over?  HR and management can always TELL you that this and that is "hospital policy" but does it coincide with State and Federal Labor Laws? Hospital policy NEVER trumps state or federal laws. 

 When they hear the lingo of Dept of Labor they generally A.) leave you alone   or B.) shake in their shoes because fines are heavy and it leaves a mark on the record of the employer.  It helps other employees too because if this is a trend, the Dept of Labor (either state or federal) will have record of it and be more inclined to investigate it thourghly.  The more employees that walk away hurt, with their tails between their legs, the worse it is for eveyone.   

13 hours ago, explorereb96 said:

It sounds pessimistic but I have never completely trusted anyone.  Sounds like you need to brush up on Labor Law and harassment.  They don't deserve your tears.  Start by going into HR and asking that the write up be rescinded, that you felt pressured into signing something you did not agree with and that now you feel that they have "created a hostile work environment."  That is legal speak for, "I am not going to take this harassment and will take it to the labor board if I have to."  Believe me, you will earn mad respect from then on in.  I have seen this as a new trend lately.  They will pick on the newer nurses, ones that they feel will believe anything.  They will "feel you out"......if you signed this then what else can they convince you that they have power over?  HR and management can always TELL you that this and that is "hospital policy" but does it coincide with State and Federal Labor Laws? Hospital policy NEVER trumps state or federal laws. 

 When they hear the lingo of Dept of Labor they generally A.) leave you alone   or B.) shake in their shoes because fines are heavy and it leaves a mark on the record of the employer.  It helps other employees too because if this is a trend, the Dept of Labor (either state or federal) will have record of it and be more inclined to investigate it thourghly.  The more employees that walk away hurt, with their tails between their legs, the worse it is for eveyone.   

I will definitely go as far as I need to! Thank you! 

22 hours ago, Ribbons said:

First and foremost you must go to HR and demand an investigation if you were not sleeping on the job.  If you were, act like a professional and sign the form and resolve never to do that again.  If you were not sleeping and were actually working on the computer, ask HR to have the IT dept pull the records of the entries you made on that date, showing the times you made the entries.  Those entries may prove you couldn't have been sleeping because you were working on documentation.  Evidence is what matters here.

That’s the plan! I told them to look into the computer I used, times and everything. I will fight this till I’m cleared. If they can’t write up the person, I feel I should get an apology. 

Specializes in Telemetry, DD, Ortho, CCU, BHU.

Write a professional letter to HR to put into your work file.  In it redact your signing this false information, and tell them you felt pressured to do it because your boss wanted you to sign it regardless of what really happened.

I understand feeling hurt as I have had a similar experience.  I stood up for myself and I think I shocked them because I’m usually just a let it go person, but this went to the core of who I am.  Good luck and remember, you have done nothing wrong, but your co-workers did.  Shame on them.

Specializes in NICU.

Never ever speak to mgmt alone!Never sign any paper.False accusations are common especially when they have favorites and you have a witch on your tail,eventually you will find out who made this false report,it could be a co worker,an aide,a doctor,housekeepr,visitor.etc..what is important is you.Keep an eye on the suspects,cover your butt,it is a paper trail they want to screw you with,be careful plan on options,good luck.

Specializes in Telemetry, DD, Ortho, CCU, BHU.

Leader25 is so right!  Always have someone with you.  Don’t talk to mgmt alone.  Have a reliable witness.

Specializes in Med-Surg/Tele/ER/Urgent Care.

And the ones that made the complaint did not pull out their cellphone to take a picture of you asleep?.... Why not? Where is the proof? We all carry our cellphones no matter what the policy is, there are cellphones everywhere! 

Lomg time ago night shift supervisor tried to tell me I could not sleep on my meal break ?. Told her let me see what HR & labor board say about that! Never heard anything else, I used to set alarm and also told charge nurse what time I was due back in case I didn’t wake up. Kept the alarm clock in my pocket so no one could turn it off?





On 9/1/2022 at 9:56 PM, Gratefulbutnotstupid said:

Write a professional letter to HR to put into your work file.  In it redact your signing this false information, and tell them you felt pressured to do it because your boss wanted you to sign it regardless of what really happened.

I understand feeling hurt as I have had a similar experience.  I stood up for myself and I think I shocked them because I’m usually just a let it go person, but this went to the core of who I am.  Good luck and remember, you have done nothing wrong, but your co-workers did.  Shame on them.

Thank you, I usually let things go also but this I also  can’t. I will follow up with HR on Tuesday. 

On 9/2/2022 at 11:12 PM, PollywogNP said:

And the ones that made the complaint did not pull out their cellphone to take a picture of you asleep?.... Why not? Where is the proof? We all carry our cellphones no matter what the policy is, there are cellphones everywhere! 

Lomg time ago night shift supervisor tried to tell me I could not sleep on my meal break ?. Told her let me see what HR & labor board say about that! Never heard anything else, I used to set alarm and also told charge nurse what time I was due back in case I didn’t wake up. Kept the alarm clock in my pocket so no one could turn it off?





That’s what I wanted, proof. I can’t use my vitalacy monitor as proof which has location tracing because it’s “not accurate” but they will go off hear say from 1 or 2 ppl that don’t even work on my unit. ?

Update, 2 nurses I worked with told on the nurse that was actually sleeping on the unit. Nothing was done, one of the nurses told the manager that that same nurse now has been going to the break room to sleep. My manager said he is entitled to sleep during a break, the nurse said well the problem is he didn’t sleep in the break room prior to me getting in trouble, he slept at the nurses station.

the manager said well this is the first he’s hearing of this and then he added, the charge nurses will now be given the authority to write up staff! 
because the holiday, I can’t call HR but I’m really sick that they haven’t contacted me yet. I honestly don’t think my manager has my back and now it’s just a toxic environment. 

Specializes in Critical Care.
On 9/4/2022 at 6:45 PM, Aloe_sky said:

Update, 2 nurses I worked with told on the nurse that was actually sleeping on the unit. Nothing was done, one of the nurses told the manager that that same nurse now has been going to the break room to sleep. My manager said he is entitled to sleep during a break, the nurse said well the problem is he didn’t sleep in the break room prior to me getting in trouble, he slept at the nurses station.

the manager said well this is the first he’s hearing of this and then he added, the charge nurses will now be given the authority to write up staff! 
because the holiday, I can’t call HR but I’m really sick that they haven’t contacted me yet. I honestly don’t think my manager has my back and now it’s just a toxic environment. 

If he is disregarding and approving the charge nurse sleeping on the unit, while he disciplined you when you weren't actually sleeping that is a toxic work environment!  On top of it, empowering and encouraging the charge nurse to write people up it sounds like you are a being set up.

As you've mentioned in the past he has double standards and overlooks some staff and jokes about it, others he writes up without warning.  I don't know why he has chosen to target you.  My guess is he is ****** that you have dared to speak up for yourself against the false accusation and write up because it made him look bad.  But instead of owning his mistake he appears to be doubling down.   From the little you said about him he sounds like he is a typical narcissistic bully boss who has little or no empathy for others. 

There are lots of Youtube sites that talk more about narcissists to explain their behavior.  I'll mention HG Tudor just because he's prolific, but they are a common type of person you will find in life whether in work , family or personal relationships.  Dr Ramani's site also has very good info about dealing with a narcissist.  I'll post one of her videos.

I really think you would be better off leaving.  I think your fighting back against the write up and going to HR caused a "narcissist injury" to your boss's ego.  It sounds like he still hasn't deleted the write up, but instead is encouraging the charge nurse to write people up instead and I hate to say it possibly targeting you to prove himself right.

Sadly if you stay I expect things will only get worse.  I would advise you to get a different job.  I would suggest a transfer, but with a write up you probably are not able to transfer so you will most likely need to leave.  If you stay you will be having to watch your back and that is not a healthy work environment.

I hope you find a better job with a good manager and coworkers.  Use Glassdoor and Linked In to see what nurses have to say about their working conditions.  Read the reviews. 

One last thing it is obvious that you are a dedicated and conscientious nurse who stays by her patient's side, but don't forget to spend time with your coworkers as well.  You mentioned you were the senior nurse and had precepted them.  Remember it's important to take the time to talk to your fellow nurses, mentor them, share your knowledge and experience.  Make an effort to be a little more outgoing, remind them you are available if they have questions or concerns as nursing is a team sport especially ICU.

Best of luck to you!

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