Published Apr 13, 2008
3 Posts
I work in an assisted living home. In the tub room they have 1 bar of soap and over 30 residents -- they all share the one bar. I can't see how this is safe. Can anyone help me? I want to present this information at our next meeting.
318 Posts
The State of Nebraska didn't allow this or solid antiperspirant. It was liquid soaps and spray antiperspirants or each resident had to have their own. I don't know what other states require.
83 Posts
Each resident should have their own soap (at all facilities I've worked it is a gel in a plastic container, unless they have sensitive skin and say Aveeno is ordered, or they have a favorite soap family brings in). Their soap should be labeled with their name, all personal care items should be marked and used only for that resident. It is a huge infection control issue. And also a citation waiting to happen during survey.
and even though this isn't helpful...your UM, ADON and DON should already know this....
and please trash that bar of soap
Just saw you are in ALF...the labeling doesn't apply, but their own personal care items should be brough from their room, then returned to their room post shower.
barefootlady, ADN, RN
2,174 Posts
Liquid soap or individual bars but no sharing. Talk to the higher ups, this is a citation.
73 Posts
When I took my CNA classes one of the nursing homes we went to REUSED shaving razors on the male patients. I was shocked beyond all reason, and this was at a "persnickety" nursing home where the wealthy sent their family members. For the life of me I do not know how they got away with it, or if they still are. People deserve better than that.
sharann, BSN, RN
1,758 Posts
Viva' America!
This is yucky and a big no no. Report them yourself if needed.
Dolce, RN
861 Posts
Ewww. Thats just nasty.
SillyStudent, ASN, RN
287 Posts
That is possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever heard.
casi, ASN, RN
2,063 Posts
That's disgusting. I would refuse to give showers until they replaced the bar soap with a liquid soap. When they ask why simply say, "I'm putting the residents at risk for infection by using a single bar of soap. Would you really want your neighbor to share their UTI with you via a bar of soap?"
117 Posts
I bet if you swabbed that thing to see all what is growing on it they would let you switch to gel soap asap!!!. That is sooo gross. Would those in charge want to share a bar of soap with 25 other poeple? I can't even stand a bar of soap if I'm the only one using it. Still gets dirty and grimy and ewe!!!!
chenoaspirit, ASN, RN
1,010 Posts
That is just gross. Plus, if anyone has any type of fungal or staff infection, ummm do you see what I mean? UGH. Yeah, I would definitely bring that up. They need to use liquid soap. If my mom or dad were a resident there, I would be highly ticked off. Thats germy.
FireStarterRN, BSN, RN
3,824 Posts
I learned in Micro that a bar of soap only has microbes on its thin outer layer, which washes off easily and is not transfered to the person washing. Here is a study that cooberates this.