Published Jul 1, 2007
1,842 Posts
just looked at an online CPR instruction with certificate
and it says to "shake and shout"
but my current CPR manual from the Red Cross says to
"ask "are you okay?" to use the person's name if known, and to "tap the person on the shoulder" {if seems to be unconscious}
to tap is not the same as to shake
to ask is not the same as to shout
I do remember in the past, being taught to "shake and shout" - so
is this no longer done?
sounds like it isn't, but why is it being taught in the online course?
82 Posts
I dont know why its taught differently, but I can give you a good reason why not to shake an unconsious person. When I was doing my field rotations they rolled up onto a scene with an unconsious female and no one knew how or why she got that way. The EMT-B did a pretty aggressive shake on her left shoulder that caused her head to roll anyways long story short they got her to the ED and a couple x-rays later the lady had a C4-C5 fracture. We were called for medical and not trauma so she could have gotten the fracture from falling or any number of ways. Either way my preceptor always said take care of Cspine in an unconsious victim until you can clear it, because you just never know. Same point in shaking, you just never know.
240 Posts
Maybe the online course hasn't been updated. AFAIK, it's tap, not shake. Shouting vs asking won't harm the person either way but a shake may surely cause further injury. Shake and shout sounds like a catchy phrase they used to use to help teach.
17 Articles; 45,819 Posts
Per the American Heart Association, adult BLS sequence:
Check for Response:Once the rescuer has ensured that the scene is safe, the rescuer should check for response. To check for response, tap the victim on the shoulder and ask, "Are you all right?"
Once the rescuer has ensured that the scene is safe, the rescuer should check for response. To check for response, tap the victim on the shoulder and ask, "Are you all right?"
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
Shake and shout sounds like a catchy phrase they used to use to help teach.
It was, I remember it being used a lot way back when.
The other posters are right on, you have to protect Cspine, so no more shaking. The other phrase was "Annie, Annie! ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?", because we all practiced on Resusci-Annies. Ice Age did a great send up of it, when Mannie fell off the cliff and the others all rushed up: "Mannie Mannie, are you all right?" My kids couldn't figure out why I was howling.
1,327 Posts
I teach "Tap and Talk" rather than "Shake and Shout." The logic, according to my instructor instructor is that if the person is merely sleeping, you may startle them if you "Shake and Shout." "Tap and Talk" is supposed to be equally effective and prevents sudden dramatic movement because the person isn't startled.
EmmaG, RN
2,999 Posts
It was, I remember it being used a lot way back when.The other posters are right on, you have to protect Cspine, so no more shaking. The other phrase was "Annie, Annie! ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?", because we all practiced on Resusci-Annies. Ice Age did a great send up of it, when Mannie fell off the cliff and the others all rushed up: "Mannie Mannie, are you all right?" My kids couldn't figure out why I was howling.
We were taught the "Annie Annie" routine... but somehow my first response in real life was always "OH ****!!"
tigress_8207, ASN, BSN
230 Posts
The online course in still using the old version.I have just successfully completed my course with the red cross and there are a lot of changes to the old methods so go with your manual.
teeituptom, BSN, RN
4,283 Posts
Old days we used to haul off and slap them. Always kind of emabarassing when they were just asleep.
519 Posts
LMAO!! Me too!!We were taught the "Annie Annie" routine... but somehow my first response in real life was always "OH ****!!"
Emmanuel, do you mean that "oh ****!!" wasn't the correct response that I, and all of my coworkers always used?;)
BTW, I loved Ice Age, and I too nearly ROFLOL at that scene with Manny!:roll
248 Posts
i just got CPR certified last month at the red cross and it is to tap on the shoulder and ask " hey, are you okay." Yes, indeed there are a lot of changes. A few years ago it was to shout and shake. They are always changing it when I go to renew, there is something different. It was funny where we were doing the infants, because they made us say ,"Baby, Baby, are you okay." Like a newborn would be like "Yeah" But it is to tap and ask are you okay. I was certified in adult, infant, and first aid.
427 Posts