Published Mar 10, 2011
Here we go again:
Let these buffoons know how you feel. Express your displeasure here as I've already done (copy and paste this address into your e-mail program):
[email protected]
48 Posts
"Nurse Ashley" was young, female, dumb, and her fake boobs were way too big for her frame. If you are not in any one of those categories and you're a nurse you are being made fun of, too.
How do you figure she was dumb? She's the one who solved the "problem". The men in the ad are the ones who look dumb.
I was going to add that I didn't understand why anyone needed to write a post saying they weren't going to complain, and those that wanted to would, but in the interest of the visibility issue I won't say it. just did. ?
Here's an issue that's way more threatening to our society than Hooters.
Can we please stop electing these people!
7,098 Posts
Those with a trained eye will note that Nurse Ashley performed a basketball-ectomy without an order and scribbled a giant wavy line all over the doctor's clipboard. Can't say I've ever seen a smart nurse do that. But you're right, it's certainly an important point, and since you took the time to give it it's own post, I'll concede. Most likely she's a Rhode Scholar. She also loves kittens and long walks on the beach.
Is that a question? ummm, no?
Here's an issue that's way more threatening to our society than Hooters. we please stop electing these people!
If you have a concern about a Georgia state legislator introducing a bill that would make miscarriages a felony, burying it in a completely unrelated thread is not the best way to get your message out. There are several forums here as well as Allnurses Central to get a discussion like that off the ground.
277 Posts
Those with a trained eye will note that Nurse Ashley performed a basketball-ectomy without an order and scribbled a giant wavy line all over the doctor's clipboard. Can't say I've ever seen a smart nurse do that. But you're right, it's certainly an important point, and since you took the time to give it it's own post, I'll concede. Most likely she's a Rhode Scholar. She also loves kittens and long walks on the beach.Is that a question? ummm, no? If you have a concern about a Georgia state legislator introducing a bill that would make miscarriages a felony, burying it in a completely unrelated thread is not the best way to get your message out. There are several forums here as well as Allnurses Central to get a discussion like that off the ground.
The word "basketballectomy" sent me into a fit of laughter.
-The wave of indifference has been surprising. I imagined there would be more concern about the image of the profession being sullied.
-Of course she's hot. The "naughty nurse" image always is. There's nothing wrong with hotness per se. Again, it's the connection of this kind of imagery to the nursing profession I find objectionable. If "Nurse Ashley" is the image of the profession that you want the public to have, I'm speechless. But again, sincere thanks to all for posting to keep the issue on the front burner to at least be discussed.
1,221 Posts
this thread made me want some hooters wings. Maybe after my sons soccer game I will go to hooters with him and my wife and get some wings, they do have the best wings according to my wife... I certainly hope they are dressed like nurse ashley..... hopefully they are as cute as her too...
Also, I dont really care what image the public has of nurses. When they come in for surgery and see a 280 lb 6' man coming in and introducing himself as their nurse, I think it will be shattered.....
Do you care what image politicians, bureaucrats and health care administrators have? I would respectfully suggest that you might not be considering all the implications of public perception. As far as eating at Hooters, feel free- as long as you realize that you're spending your own money to support a firm that sees no harm in defaming your profession for commercial gain.
1,459 Posts
Hoot hoot, go sexy nurses:D
canesdukegirl, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,543 Posts
Love you, Argo!!!!
I personally think the ad is funny. It would have been helpful if the doc was dressed in a lab coat and a basketball uniform underneath to add to the ridiculousness.
OP, I understand where you are coming from. However, I have not personally experienced anyone from the general public expressing sentiments that suggest that nurses are all "hot, sexy, racy dumb jackwagons" because of an ad that they saw. I see what you mean...that it CAN be construed as a harmful portrayal of the nursing profession, but I also believe that any Joe Blow off the street surely understands that this is THEATER, and not representative of the real profession.
If only Nurse Ashleigh had played the role of Doctor Ashleigh...