Sexy nurse image in Hooters ad


Here we go again:

Let these buffoons know how you feel. Express your displeasure here as I've already done (copy and paste this address into your e-mail program):

[email protected]

Specializes in LTC.
Some people are just jealous of sexy nurses cause they are totally "winning"!!

OH NO YOU DID NOT!!!!! :lol2::yeah::lol2::yeah::lol2::yeah::lol2::yeah:

All I gotta say is, I think my boobs are bigger :crying2: time to go on a diet :D


My boobs are definitely bigger than hers! :smokin:

Specializes in Emergency Department.

OMG this is outrageous! Nurses can't write scripts. I'm writing my congressman. Then I'm writing my HR to get those nursing uni's put into our hospital.... Waaaait, that means IIII might have to wear one. :smackingf. Uhm that wouldn't be good for anyone.

Ok here's my compromise. HOOTERS needs to now have a nurses appreciation day. Where the HOOTERS girls dress up in these uni's and drinks for nurses are Half price!! :beer::cheers: ALLLLLL Better!

But to the OP. Wow, really? this is your crusade? REALLY?! I don't get it.

And your wife will get over it. What does your wife being feminine have to do with making this mistake? (I'm assuming she questioned if the female doc was a nurse??) That doc will get over it. It's a part of our culture, at this point.

Which is why everyone should be introducing themselves (since we all dress pretty much the same without any way to differentiate ourselves) as "I'm your nurse, such and such." That way, there's no confusion right out of the gate.

Lol. That was supposed to say feminIST. Amazing how a couple of letters can totally change what you are trying to say.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

I'm craving chicken wings...

Hooters! I could watch more commercials like that.

(Maybe with a less trashy model/actress. Clearly they could do better)

Specializes in PACU, OR.
I'm craving chicken wings...

Hooters! I could watch more commercials like that.

(Maybe with a less trashy model/actress. Clearly they could do better)

I detect the unmistakable sign of the cheapskate in the entire ad, so I would think a new agency is called for. I seriously doubt whether Angelina Jolie and Anthony Hopkins could make it look good.

Specializes in PACU, OR.

Ah, found one! Now this is what a low-budget ad should look like!

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

Thank you, Jonathan. Sometimes a thread like this will be started, and the exact opposite will occur. People will respond with concern and perhaps offer their ideas about other types of negative symbolism when it occurs and whether it's worth getting riled over. Like certain types of fruit, for example.

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, but I think the way people are being derisive and even pulling out the "you're just jealous" card is way over the line. Personally, I don't understand why a brochure with an image of a sleeping man in a sombrero leaning against a cactus is a negative stereotype of the people of Mexico but I would hope people wouldn't tell someone who did that they had better things to worry about.

The problem isn't this or that picture anyway. It's that if nobody says a damn thing because they don't see it as a problem, (and that applies to any stereotyping) it will continue in that direction unabated.

"Nurse Ashley" was young, female, dumb, and her fake boobs were way too big for her frame. If you are not in any one of those categories and you're a nurse you are being made fun of, too.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

I was going to add that I didn't understand why anyone needed to write a post saying they weren't going to complain, and those that wanted to would, but in the interest of the visibility issue I won't say it. Anyone who might want to read about a different perspective than that neatly boiled down this way:

The nurse is smokin hot. I think some of you are jealous. It should make nurses proud that companies use nurses in advertising.

Here is a thread that offers another view. Even if you don't care check out the cute picture of a Golden Book called "Nurse Nancy" in NRSKaren's post #3..

Specializes in PACU, OR.

One thing we don't see much of in South Africa is the negative portrayal of nurses, except in occasional news investigations targeting specific incidents and hospitals. This thread prompted me to google it, and see what I came up with. I really can't find anything locally, but here's a few articles that some might find interesting, as well as this paragraph from Wikipedia;

When Virgin Mobile launched its service in Canada on 1 March 2005, the use of "naughty nurses" in its advertising triggered The Registered Nurses Association of Ontario to demand an apology from Branson and an immediate stop to the campaign, and called on members to boycott Virgin Mobile. Virgin Mobile spokeswoman Paula Lash said the company never intended to offend anyone, but was not about to pull the advertising

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

GH - We had one here not long ago with Dr. Oz on his TV show dancing with sexy nurses :barf02:

Specializes in Health Information Management.

Thanks for trying, OP.

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