Seattle University BSN applicants 2012

U.S.A. Washington


Hi all,

I didn't see any threads for Seattle University, so I thought I would start one. What classes are you taking, current GPA, extracurriculars, etc? Any thoughts on the application process?

I guess I will start by saying that I am currently finishing 2 prerequisites. Currently my overall GPA is 3.3 and pre-req GPA is a 3.9. I'm starting a CNA program, so hopefully that goes well. My overall GPA is low, so I am worried about that.

I am SO nervous just thinking about it!!

Im not sure if it was good, I think they just notified me earlier because I applied as a freshman since I am a Running Start student. All freshman get notified earlier. But I am happy that I made it in!:)

I just talked with the admissions they had over 700 applicants this year! I'm feeling super depressed!!!! what is everyone's average GPA?

I just talked with the admissions they had over 700 applicants this year! I'm feeling super depressed!!!! what is everyone's average GPA?

HEY!!! That's good news! That means my odds of getting into nursing school are a whole lot better than getting a job as a firefighter. (You know, 2000+ applicants for 2 spots.)

Does anyone know how many people get accepted?

EDIT: to answer my own question they are accepting 75 students (if I heard her right) and they are hoping to mail them out on the 23ed. My mailbox and I have a date on that following Saturday! If things don't go well we're going to have some words on Monday.

Specializes in MBU, ICU, Burns, Med-Surg.

I just got accepted to PLU Nursing....anyone else apply there?

Congrats Armynurse! Don't want to depress anyone even further, but my friend told me she signed up to get into the nursing program as a freshman and as long as she made the minimum requirements she was in; which she did and graduated. If that is the case, there are already spots reserved from that 75-80 for those freshmans who have the minimum requirements so it's even less seats than that!

For my grades, I have a 3.61 overall gpa, but my nursing pre reqs is a 3.9. I took alot of upper division math and physics classes, so that hurt my overall grade down a bit! Hopefully that won't hurt me!

I wish everyone luck!!! :( We are going to need it!


Hi all. I applied to SU and SPU as well. My overall gpa is over 3.8 and the prereg gpa is 3.8 as well. I have CNA license. I am kinda nervous now. does any one know how many spots for transferred students? I heard they will accept around 90, but I am not sure how many spots for transferred students?

They said they have 75 spots for transfer/post Bach students so that's good! I'm so nervous!!! I have a BS in kinesiology with a 3.1 Gpa 3.6 Gpa for pre-rec and over 2000 hours of experience as a certified nursing assistant.... No community service what do you think are my chances?? I sent in a letter or rec, I met with the nursing advisor prior to applying... I don't know how much more I can do!! What do you guys think? I'm getting so nervous! Oh and not to mention this is my second time applying to Seattle u

Hi llexi88. I think your condition is good. You have more than 2000 hours of experience as a CNA. Although I have CNA license, I haven't worked as CNA. That's why I am kinda nervous now. But I do volunteer in nursing home as resident activity assistant. Are you sure those 75 spots for only transfer students or both transfers and freshmen?

I just got accepted to PLU Nursing....anyone else apply there?

Now... Call Seattle U and tell them to pull your application so that I have a minutely better chance of getting in!

Specializes in MBU, ICU, Burns, Med-Surg.

LOL! Even though PLU has an awesome program, I'm still hoping for a spot at SU. It's closer and it's a 2 year program vs. 3 years at PLU. I'm just relieved I'll be starting a program this Fall. Honestly, I have no idea what they're looking for at SU, hopefully we all get in!

For transfer and postbac so there are still 75 spots for us

That's good to hear. Thanks llexi88. I thought they accept total of 75 spots. Hope all of us will get in!

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