Scientific or paranormal explanation?

Nurses General Nursing


  1. How will this research add to the body of nursing science?

    • Completely valid inquiry of nursing science.
    • Limited use in clinical settings because people don't really care who you are anyway.
    • I am too busy to answer this question as I have to pee.

82 members have participated

Does this happen to you??

Why, oh, WHY do nametags always seem to be flipped wrong-side-out??

I'll position mine the proper way (with name and picture front and center) and by the time I walk from the Pyxis to the bedside, approximately 20 feet, it's flipped back over.

Whenever a patient asks my name I look down and again it's flipped to the back and I have to turn it over.

I have turned it over on the holder thinking it might have a preferred side only to again have it be wrong side out 90% of the time.

I have turned it wrong side out on purpose (to fool it) only to check back later and it's still flipped wrong side out (to fool me).

The nametag is plastic so I don't think there is any kind of personal magnetic field interference.

This has happened to me in two different states so I'm ruling out being in a vortex.

I am now investigating whether I might be a vampire-like being (as I do prefer nights) that cannot have a picture of myself visible to the public.

I will appreciate any and ALL explanations or theories on this mighty strange phenomena.

Specializes in Ambulatory Care-Family Medicine.

My company just got new name badges and they actually gave everyone two badges so the backs face each other and the picture and name are on the outsides. No matter which way it flips the pic and name always show :)

On my old badge it was always turned the wrong way.

If a cat always lands on it's feet and a badge always flips the wrong direction what happens if you place the badge on a cat. I can only assume the cat would levitate above the floor spinning into infinity.

Does anyone have a cat I can borrow??

The last time my badge was flipped to show my picture an elderly patient looked at it very closely. To make conversation I told her "I have gotten a lot better looking since that photo" after looking at it again her reply was "Well you certainly have gotten older". I then leaned forward so my badge would spin to the correct backwards position.

My badge almost always stays picture-side up. I must be a wizard.

My badge almost always stays picture-side up. I must be a wizard.

You most certainly are.

My place originally had these nifty little badges with *wait for it* magnets that held them in place. Yep, badge against the shirt, magnet inside the shirt holding the badge. Wonderful, right?

Now they took our magnets away because we got magic badges that open doors and such and I'm back to the wrong side of the work badge problem. I'm forever flipping the thing around.

Specializes in critical care.
My badge almost always stays picture-side up. I must be a wizard.

Where the heck have you been?

Specializes in PACU, pre/postoperative, ortho.
If a cat always lands on it's feet and a badge always flips the wrong direction what happens if you place the badge on a cat. I can only assume the cat would levitate above the floor spinning into infinity.

Does anyone have a cat I can borrow??

Oh dear Lord, yes! You can have the stray tom that showed up at my house a month ago. I'll gladly donate him for the cause! (& to eliminate the pawprints all over my car)

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
My company just got new name badges and they actually gave everyone two badges so the backs face each other and the picture and name are on the outsides. No matter which way it flips the pic and name always show :)

On my old badge it was always turned the wrong way.

You can easily fix that. Just turn the picture and the name to face each other. Now instead of your badge facing the "wrong way" 90% of the time, it will be 100% of the time. Winning!

Where the heck have you been?

just been busy (nothing drama-ish, just not online as much lately)

Specializes in critical care.
just been busy (nothing drama-ish, just not online as much lately)

Well that's silly. Tell all these people expecting you to do things that you have an online persona to maintain.

Oh, Sweet Mysteries of Life!

And to OP - I have another alternative response to your poll. >>>>> Who cares for another ugly picture? (One that looks like a passport photo, a driver's license photo, a photo from the FBI's 10 Most-Wanted, or one of Homeland's Security's Major Terrorists list?? :cheeky:


Oh you are so right . . . . .and now I'm old enough that my new badge photo looks like my elderly mom!! :nailbiting:

C'mon tell us WHAT did you expect?? Be honest or it's no fun.

I expected another thread about the full moon conspiracy stuff. :sarcastic:

My badge almost always stays picture-side up. I must be a wizard.

Mine stays picture side DOWN, exactly how I place it. I must be a Muggle.

I didn't know we could vote for than once! I'M SO EXCITED!

*runs back to vote more after peeing*

Mavrick, you da bomb.

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