School Bus Tragedy

Specialties School


Fellow school nurses and Allnurses friends, yesterday a tragic school bus crash in my district claimed the lives of six elementary school students. Please join me in praying for, or simply thinking about, these little children and their families. I have not figured out how to share a link, but the accident, in southeast Tennessee, received major media coverage. Our city is broken. Please remember us today.

Fawn, I am so sorry. This story has made national news, but I know

it especially hits home for you. ((((fawn))))

A friend posted on her Facebook feed yesterday, "I want to know why

school buses do not have seat belts". An age old debate, yes? Seems

like I once heard of someone explaining a legitimate reason as to

why they DON'T have them.. but can't remember what that was...

Edit: Esme I see you touched on this.

I've seen a million posts like that. One reason I read is that the compartmentalized seats are safer than belts. Also, in case of a fire, stall on RR tracks, etc, it would impede the driver from rescuing all citizen. There were a few other reasons given.

Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

Also, there was the Carrollton KY bus crash back in 88, which happened

just 40 minutes from my hometown. :( The kids who got out with

their lives were lucky to have done so, and possibly would not have

survived if strapped into seat belts? Maybe?

In this particular accident, I've seen people who know more about it than I do say that if these kids had been belted, more would have died. It's likely that some kids were thrown out of the way by the impact instead of being killed by the impact had they been belted.

Specializes in Psychiatric Nursing.
It was just announces that a 6 child died in the PICU this afternoon :(

I heard this sad news just a few hours ago. I've also heard that the handful of children still in ICU do not have a good prognosis. This accident has devastated our city like nothing I have ever seen, in the 14 years I've lived here. A previous poster made an excellent point, that we really don't know who is driving our children to school, or what their background is! People here are angry at the bus driver. His UDS was negative for drugs and alcohol, but it was revealed that he has a second job, as a third-shift packer in a warehouse, so it's very possible that he was too tired to be driving a bus full of children.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Big or small town doesn't lessen the tragic loss of any child's life. Two weeks ago an 11 year old beautiful musician was buried by her parents and siblings after a rapidly professing infection (ID results still pending as virology is not quick). The stories and speculation embellished by media are wide reaching. Many harp on an alleged statement by the driver before the crash which may have been completely misunderstood. This does not reduce the impact on the six families that must mourn their children. Or the over a dozen likely sitting vigil in the hospital. Never mind the neighborhood where the crash occurred, all the classmates, staff, families and neighbors that are trying to cope with this senseless tragedy.

Reportedly the black box from the bus will have data the NTSB can analyze and interpret. No word if there is audio & video like there are on most school buses in my area.

Thoughts of healing for all the survivors (which includes classmates, witnesses, families, & staff)

Five years ago there was a tragic bus accident that took 3 young lives. The mandated use of seatbelts impossible to enforce in middle school students with a single driver (post accident data showed the life ending head trauma and ejection from the bus would not havs occurred in that case. My state has mandated lap belts for all school students. Mandated 5 point boosters for younger/smaller children (restraint release has been quick and simple as I've been on the buses during mandated evacuation drills.). Even the wearable safety harnesses release quickly but those buses have at least 1 or more aids.

Specializes in Psychiatric Nursing.
Big or small town doesn't lessen the tragic loss of any child's life. Two weeks ago an 11 year old beautiful musician was buried by her parents and siblings after a rapidly professing infection (ID results still pending as virology is not quick). The stories and speculation embellished by media are wide reaching. Many harp on an alleged statement by the driver before the crash which may have been completely misunderstood. This does not reduce the impact on the six families that must mourn their children. Or the over a dozen likely sitting vigil in the hospital. Never mind the neighborhood where the crash occurred, all the classmates, staff, families and neighbors that are trying to cope with this senseless tragedy.

Reportedly the black box from the bus will have data the NTSB can analyze and interpret. No word if there is audio & video like there are on most school buses in my area.

Thoughts of healing for all the survivors (which includes classmates, witnesses, families, & staff)

Five years ago there was a tragic bus accident that took 3 young lives. The mandated use of seatbelts impossible to enforce in middle school students with a single driver (post accident data showed the life ending head trauma and ejection from the bus would not havs occurred in that case. My state has mandated lap belts for all school students. Mandated 5 point boosters for younger/smaller children (restraint release has been quick and simple as I've been on the buses during mandated evacuation drills.). Even the wearable safety harnesses release quickly but those buses have at least 1 or more aids.

I agree that the size of a city doesn't lessen the impact of the loss of a child's life. I was just trying to convey that this is a unique city. I grew up in a much larger city, in the Midwest, a city where people move away and do not return, where people don't make an effort to get to know their neighbors. Many residents of this city are natives, with very strong ties to their neighborhoods. Generations of families have attended the elementary school that was impacted. That is one reason why I stopped watching the news, because I was learning more and more details, just from running into friends and acquaintances at the store. And because I wanted to cry every time I saw that bus.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
I agree that the size of a city doesn't lessen the impact of the loss of a child's life. I was just trying to convey that this is a unique city. I grew up in a much larger city, in the Midwest, a city where people move away and do not return, where people don't make an effort to get to know their neighbors. Many residents of this city are natives, with very strong ties to their neighborhoods. Generations of families have attended the elementary school that was impacted. That is one reason why I stopped watching the news, because I was learning more and more details, just from running into friends and acquaintances at the store. And because I wanted to cry every time I saw that bus.

Its the south. Metropolitan has a whole different meaning ;) hang in there.

Saw that on the new here in Canada, very sad, glad the bus driver got charged, sad the children don't get to come back though. Sincere condolences to their family and friends.

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

I'm so sorry! I have followed this story all week & kept these families in my prayers. I've thought many times about the teachers & school staff who loved these kids & how I would feel if they were mine.

I had left last Friday for break feeling exhausted and frustrated and ready to just get away from those kids. I worried that their last interaction with me was negative and what if something happened to them during break?? I could never forgive myself.

I am not far far from Chattanooga myself & actually drive through there to go home for the holidays to east TN. This bus tragedy was all in the news & still is. Rest assured your community remains in the prayers & hearts of thousands of people.

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.

Prayers lifted for your community Fawnmarie. I can't imagine.

Praying for you, your school and your community. I am so sorry y'all are having to go through this. So heartbreaking.

Specializes in School.

I have been praying for these families and the school district.

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