what do you say to friends who want to copy


What do you say when a friend and classmate asks to see your answers or papers?

My mom called me a pushover and maybe. One girl, also my friend as in hanging out outside of classes, asked to see my 5 page study guide for a final in our class we had to write. I waited until she told me she did her own, then she asked again to see mine in case she left anything out so I emailed it to her the night before. The next day in final we took out our guides and the teacher checked them all over, and I found out that she had copied mine exactly. She told the teacher we worked on it together before I could open my mouth, and the teacher said "that was smart" and was fine so I just didn't say anything when maybe I should have I don't know. The teacher had already seen mine first. This friend is a good friend.

And other examples were just other friends asking for my homework or lab answers and reports. I mean it seems wrong to say no to a friend but???? I tried to help explain the answer to them instead but I didn't always have time (or even know how to sometimes). I gave answers in the beginning but then I felt used by the end of the semester, by my own fault. Maybe this is just what you do though.. share answers? I wasn't a good student in high school so never had this problem before of people wanting my work!

Just wondering how you guys respond to friends who ask for your work. Thank you.

Specializes in Peds/Neo CCT,Flight, ER, Hem/Onc.

you do realize you can get kicked out of your program for academic dishonesty ? That will follow you your whole academic career, which of course bleeds into your professional career. You might want to consider how good of a friend she is if this is how she does things.

You would just say no? To a good friend who says something like "I'm so stressed out I worked late and didn't have time and don't understand! Please can I see what you got on the homework"

I guess that's what I should do. I feel bad for them. But it was pretty much every assignment for one of my friends asking that.

you do realize you can get kicked out of your program for academic dishonesty ? That will follow you your whole academic career, which of course bleeds into your professional career. You might want to consider how good of a friend she is if this is how she does things.

My school has a strict no plagiarism policy..I didn't know giving homework answers was considered academic dishonesty. Yeah that's scary I don't want that. I guess I can just say we'll both get in trouble.

Specializes in Peds/Neo CCT,Flight, ER, Hem/Onc.
You would just say no? To a good friend who says something like "I'm so stressed out I worked late and didn't have time and don't understand! Please can I see what you got on the homework"

I guess that's what I should do. I feel bad for them. But it was pretty much every assignment for one of my friends asking that.

Yes I would. Their poor planning does not constitute my emergency. Not only that but by showing them your answers you are essentially cheating and can get kicked out of your program. If that happens it will be unlikely you will be able to get into any other program and your dream of nursing will evaporate. And, by the way, anybody who asks you to do this is not your friend. Friends don't use friends this way.

Don't give them answers. Rather, ask them what they did and what they got. This way, you can see that they actually attempted to do something and aren't just looking for free answers. And if they consistently are saying that they didn't have time, then maybe they should learn better time mgmt or do nursing school when there are less time constraints for them. Nursing school is not something you should get through by copying answers. And that won't help them when they take the NCLEX. IMHO, someone who uses you for assignments and study guides doesn't really sound like a good friend. I do share my study guides with my groups of friends because I know that they have made them too, and we'll email each other our study guides to see if we left something out. We support one another and help each other through our weak points. I don't feel burdened by them. :)

I agree with cracklingkraken, and think about it this way, would you like it if your nurse was one that barely made it though and now had your life on the line? You are training to be the front line in patient advocacy. You do seem to be on the, I will go with, timid side of personality. Your 'friend' is taking advantage of that.

My school has a strict no plagiarism policy..I didn't know giving homework answers was considered academic dishonesty. Yeah that's scary I don't want that. I guess I can just say we'll both get in trouble.

yes she literally copied your answers verbatim. Definition of plagiarism "the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own."

Thank you all.

These weren't actually nursing classes yet but the science ones. I found out though that one of my friends who did this a lot transferred into a science class with me in the fall. And even though I like her I really felt like switching out of the class myself because of this, but I'm not going to I want this class. I'll remember the risk.

Thank you all.

These weren't actually nursing classes yet but the science ones. I found out though that one of my friends who did this a lot transferred into a science class with me in the fall. And even though I like her I really felt like switching out of the class myself because of this, but I'm not going to I want this class. I'll remember the risk.

she switched into your courses ? Sounds like she still expects to ride on your coattails. If I was in your position, I would switch as well.

yes she literally copied your answers verbatim. Definition of plagiarism "the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own."

If you had found that out in class, would you have spoken up right then and said she copied? Or have let it go?

Actually I just hope never to be in that situation again though.

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