San Jacinto College ADN Spring 2011


So I was wondering, who is applying for the spring? Couldn't find a forum, so I thought I'd start one. Got the application and was a little freaked out that they decided to change their criteria this semester, but all is well. Good luck to all :)

Is there anyone waiting on an acceptance e-mail for the ADN program for 2011 Spring semester at San Jacinto?

Yes, I am waiting and really thought to expect something by today. Have you received anything from them?

No, I still haven't heard anything either. Should we also be receiving an email confirmation that they have received and are reviewing our applications? I read some of the other threads from last semester and that's what the students initially received before the acceptance/denial emails..

I turned my application in on September 8 and then about two weeks after that I emailed the lady I turned it in to. I just wanted to double check to make sure everything was correct and she said she would not have taken it if it were not complete. She never said anything to me about a confirmation email. I wish there were one!

Is this thread for San Jacinto College in TEXAS?!? My brother applied there so I was trying to find helpful information.

Yes it's in Texas.

OK....I was wondering why it was under the North Carolina Program Forums. Well good luck to all...I know my brother's still waiting, not sure his stats but I do know he scored in the high 80's on the Hesi.

I'm still waiting for an e-mail as well. I read on past semester forums that they typically send the first wave of acceptances and denials at least 3 weeks after the application deadline. I honestly think it may be another week before anyone hears anything seeing as to how the third week of November is Thanksgiving week. Even the professors get half a week off. :/ I'm hoping, like everyone else, to get good news. I have a 3.77 overall GPA and scored an 88 on the HESI (eek!) I wish you all the best of luck!

@ AmsKat27: If you visit and type nursing in the search box in the top, right corner then click on the first link that is in the list, you'll be directed to the information regarding the program. Everything from the list of prerequisites to how to apply, and what items you'll be expected to purchase upon acceptance to the program. Hope you find what you're looking for. :D

I am also anxiously awaiting an email. The waiting is hard. I'm hoping to hear something within the next week or two. Good luck to everyone.

I am waiting to hear something as well... I called and was told that the acceptance e-mails would be sent out the week of Dec 4... Dec 4 is on Saturday.. So I'm hoping that that means we will know by Friday!! :) Good Luck everybody!!!

Has anyone received their acceptance/denial email from San Jac for Spring 2011 yet? Is anyone else like me; checking their email like 2-3 times a day? :coollook:

no.. still haven't heard anything.. I was really hoping it'd be today, but I guess it will be next week..can't be too much longer because classes start next month.

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