San Jacinto College ADN Fall 2009

U.S.A. Texas


Hi everyone. Im wondering if any of you are planning on applying to San Jac ADN program or are in the program?

Lets talk about it here

Well it depends on how quickly you learn too : p

But you really have to immerse yourself in the terminology to make it work. If you don't, then a lot (and I mean a lot) of things they teach are going to go in one ear and out the other. If you're not a real hands-on learner, guess what you'll soon learn to do?

Obviously I can't speak from experience with nursing, but all medical professions are similar in that they provide care to the patient. The degrees to which they provide are different, but the methods are all pretty similar.

As an EMT, I was the first one that saw the patient, and so I had to help them without knowing diddly. Take for instance this one patient who was complaining of pain in the neck. Do you know how many things cause pain in a person's neck? A lot. So it gets you thinking well if this isn't right, and this isn't right, but this is right, then it could be this, this, or this.

Critical thinking is a big thing to have during all of this. But I'm rambling...again. But yeah, it can be a challenge if you've never done quick judgment calls or hands-on stuff. But that's why the first semester is so forgiving : D

Specializes in Oncall Hospice RN.

Shana, I would suggest you read the 1st 4 chs for each class since they "expect" us to read the chs before class now. I have to break the habit of waiting until they discuss the ch before I read it.

Russell, I'm making note cards using the vocab words for the Unit 1 chs that I'm not familiar with. I'm already amazed at the amount of info we're expected to memorize in 2 weeks. And we won't have as much time to study since we'll be in class 5 hrs a day except for Mon.

i thought classes were 8-10:50 every day?

Specializes in Oncall Hospice RN.

At orientation we were told that our labs would be from either 11-1pm or 1-3 pm T-Fri. I guess they will tell us our lab schedule on Tues.

Yeah, but see they haven't told us to memorize anything yet Melissa : D

Gotta be in class before they can tell us the whats of the wheres. It's all gravy to say memorize the book, but they're not going to test all of it. Unless they expect to give us 500 question exams : p

Who knows, I could be way off my rocker, but information is information and I already know most of this stuff. Replace nurse with EMT and you have my spring semester. Except we didn't have EMT processes haha.

*Edit* I realize this comes off as combative and I didn't mean it that way. I guess I'm just ready to be back in school and doing what I know how to do. I know how you're gonna' study Melissa (and beat the pants off my grades while you're at it), and it makes me envious in a way. I'm really just looking at this as, I want to pass period. Don't care about the grades, just want the diploma in May 2011 : )

Specializes in Oncall Hospice RN.

Well here's the deal. As much as I like being a "slacker", I realize that the hospitals are going to look at our transcripts as part of the hiring process so we'll need more than a diploma to get our foot in the door.

And Russell, sounds like you have a head start so enjoy your last few days of freedom. I, on the other hand, have a strong suspicion( based on the course calendar) that our instructor will want us to know all the vocab words for the Unit 1 chps. And I despise the act of cramming info into my head like we had to do in the summer.

Is anyone on Facebook, btw?

Russell, what do you mean when you said you were lookin at me warily? I don't think people are trying to necessarily scare everyone but if you haven't been in the medical field then it won't be as easy as it would be to you or me.

melissa, are you talking about the unit 1 in the fundamentals book?

not health assessment,right? bccause i dont see words in assessment. lol

and, i am at work right now but

i am always on face book at night time!

i can find you on can send me a friend request.

shayna wood.

You make it sound like I'm going to jail ;_;

Hospitals want experience. There are tons of new nurses out there, but they can't get jobs at hospitals because they want experience. I think they do that because they realize that someone may have been absolutely terrible with theory courses, but you get them in a lab and they're a genius.

Not to say they discount actually knowing drugs, processes, so on. But one person I've talked to at St. John's said, without hesitation, they'd hire me on the spot IF they knew I was a good nurse, and if I had experience.

That's future talk though so I'll cease and desist. But I really do believe it goes beyond grades. I've read many stories on this site detailing that : )

I just want classes to start. Now.

Russell, what do you mean when you said you were lookin at me warily? I don't think people are trying to necessarily scare everyone but if you haven't been in the medical field then it won't be as easy as it would be to you or me.

Ack, I wasn't meaning to you, I meant to the class. I just forgot that your name had pharm in it. Consider me disciplined.

I realize that as well, but I think they're really underestimating how smart these people are. I can look at, as an example, Melissa and know that she's going to cream these classes. I mean, they wouldn't select just anybody and expect them to know everything there is to know about nursing in one semester.

I know plenty of nurses, and they've all told me it's not hard. Just long. If you've made an A in Micro and A&P, you've got nothing to worry about. Just keep doing what you've been doing and before you know it, you'll be a nurse and happy that this part of your life is done with : )

O lol, I was like "what did I do?" I don't think its going to be that bad either but for people who have really bad study habits or struggled with their pre-reqs they may have a problem.

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