San Jacinto College ADN Fall 2009

U.S.A. Texas


Hi everyone. Im wondering if any of you are planning on applying to San Jac ADN program or are in the program?

Lets talk about it here

Haha, I wish! About the only thing I've got is the neck at this point. All that arm business was the proverbial curveball to me. I tried looking up those youtube videos but the amateur-ish nature and the fact that most of the people talking didn't know most of the stuff either kinda made me feel I was doing better on my own.

Just need to make some cards for immune (though I don't think it's that hard to be honest). Then we can worry about kitty's circulatory system and organs : D

Specializes in Oncall Hospice RN.

Guess what Mr. Barron just uploaded? Looks like we're moving on to the respiratory system Wed. :yelclap:

So much information....:grn: But can you believe its almost over already??? Chelken, I have a funny story for you...

I liked my student email to my cell phone and this morning in class i got a text.. the title was Re:San Jacinto College... Well... I almost had a heart attack! So I read a little further, Subject:TRANSPORTATION SURVEY. Lol I felt really silly. I really hope we dont have to wait much longer.

And only 68 slides. Yay. Hopefully it turns out to be repetitive info like immunity is looking like.

I'm also assuming that most people have probably already received their e-mail about their application being received. Though we probably scared them off with our talk of cats and veins and respiratory stuff : D

Specializes in Oncall Hospice RN.

I think Dashia was anticipating her acceptance into the program email like the rest of us. Any day now....:bowingpur

So much information....:grn: But can you believe its almost over already??? Chelken, I have a funny story for you...

I liked my student email to my cell phone and this morning in class i got a text.. the title was Re:San Jacinto College... Well... I almost had a heart attack! So I read a little further, Subject:TRANSPORTATION SURVEY. Lol I felt really silly. I really hope we dont have to wait much longer.

I got the same e-mail. I got excited for a minute!! I am glad that the cat days are over for me. I have finished all the classes except for nursing. I am spending my summer with too much time on my hands. Good luck to all of you in A&P.

Well he did say "I like immunity, I really like immunity!'

He also likes those ninja T cells. You guys should have seen him in AP1 when he was doing jazz hands in the front of the class. I think I was the only one who was laughing my head off.

Am I the only one that feels prepared to take this next lecture exam? You guys are feeling confident too, right?

Confident-ISH. I need to read over the notes and stop focusing on ms.Kitty.

I haven't kept up with this post since May or so. I just read up on the last few pages that I missed and realized that I never received a "we received your app" email. I turned my app in on April 7th and my last name starts with R. Ahhhh!!!!! Now I'm worried. :confused:

Nevermind... I found it in my spam folder! :w00t:

Yay for you!!!!!! Hopefully all of them have been sent out and they can start with acceptance letters.

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