Sad day in the USA


Specializes in ICU, PACU, ER.

Thinking about how sad it is in the USA today that we provide free medical care for all these folks who have never worked a day in there life, but when it comes to the elderly who have worked everyday of their life can't even get their prescription medications or have to pay out large amounts just to get a little bit of medical coverage. Although the free medical care we provide to non working baby making machines, I call it the American Express Card that we provide to the folks who have never worked really isn't free you and I pay for their free medical care. I would rather pay for my parents medical care then for someone who comes in saying I don't have tylenol or motrin at home for my kids while pointing their newly put on fingernails or calling on their cell phones or having that pack of ciggs in their pockets, when my parents who have worked all their lives and should be living the best days of their life won't even turn on the air in their home because of the cost and not being able to afford medical care or medications!! If they had to pay a nice co-pay for non-emergancy visits to the ER then we could really see the people who really need emergancy care. Sorry just venting and wondering how everyone else feels about this sitution??

Specializes in interested in NICU!!.

i know what you're saying. . .people need that help but others abuse it and know well how to. . .

Specializes in Emergency Department.

Part of the problem is the skyrocketing cost of healthcare. And part of that problem are "non-emergency visits to the ER".

I am still a little astounded by one nurse I knew that was unmarried, had two children on medicaid. She worked more then full-time, yet "elected" not to take the insurance due to the cost. When I asked what she would do if she got sick, she told me "I have nothing anyone can take if they sue, so don't worry about it". Now, I realize this is not typical, or hope it isn't, yet I personally don't like the idea of paying for when she IS sick.

Specializes in LTC.

It's annoying when people take advantage of the system, but it's more annoying hearing people whine and complain about how "their" money pays for it. It's tax money. It's not YOUR money. It goes towards a lot of different things, good and bad. If it wasn't going towards healthcare (for both those who "deserve" it and those who don't), it would be paying for something else. No need to take it so personally.

Specializes in Psychiatry (PMHNP), Family (FNP).

There is a hidden tax on all of us who do have health care insurance, we are overcharged for our insurance to cover cost of care for the uninsured. Another reason we need insurance for all...

Specializes in LTC.

i used to get so worked up about all that, but what's the point? it won't ever change. i work hard, pay my way, and that's all that matters. we live in a free country, and with that comes the freedom to work hard if you please or to freeload off others...just the way it is..:twocents:

Specializes in CCU,ICU,ER retired.

When I first became disabled and lost my insurance I was so depressed I couldn't hardly stand it. I became disabled in 2005.I spent all of my adult life taking care of critically sick people. The sickest of the sick and yet I couldn't see a Doctor. How could Karma do that. It took me 4 yrs to get on medicare. and even with that some doctors won't see me. I was fortunate enough to have a doc that knew me when she was a nurse. But even then we had to do a lot of creative things to get some of the treatments I needed.

It fries me to no end to see people that have NEVER worked a day in their life get better care than I got and gave to them.

The best thing is that with 35 yrs of nursing I made a lot of good friends that helped me the last few yrs or I could never have done it

Specializes in jack of all trades.

I understand whole heartedly the various opinions. I for one am in the boat of out of work, on unemployment (my state's max is 275/wk), and now out of insurance. COBRA was offered but at 423.00/mo LOL!!! I fortunately am a veteran so can fall back to the VA system but try getting in to see them or have an emergency (no VA hospital in my area). I tried to make an appt the other day and was told it's an 8 mo waiting list in the local outpt clinic for Veterans here. So here I am out of work, little income on the UI system, a service connected disabled Veteran and cant get in to see a doc. Hmm something is wrong with this picture. I cant go to the ER and it be paid or ignored yet see so many who like others have pointed out never worked a day in thier life but choose to be baby making machines in order to get that next check get all the health care I cant get. I'm also in need of 2 crowns for dental and have no way to get that but you bet that medicaid person sure can. They should have to show they are job hunting just like I do with UI and also drug screen just like I have to for potential job offers.

I whole heartedly agree with is very sad....and so true.

The really sad thing is that the majority of people who don't have insurance are people that get out of bed and go to work everyday. Many of them have two or three low paying jobs with no insurance. However, by the time they pay for food, clothing, housing and all the other necessities of life they are left with very little to cover health care. I take that back, it is not sad it is a tragedy.

Specializes in Nsg. Ed. & ICU/Trauma.

Amen! My Mother has Alzheimer's, lives in a very nice lock-down facility. However, her money is running out and Medicaid only allows $2000.00 per month and $40.00 spending money. In addition, there are a limited amount of Alz/Medicaid beds available. The institutions that offer these beds are next to nothing. A 6x6 ft. room, a hospital bed and a small dresser at the cost of >$5000.00 per month. So, if your bank account goes over the $2000.00 limit in any given month, the person is charged the FULL amount until you get below the $2000.00 limit!!!! My Mother worked hard all her life to be reduced to Welfare.....where is the justice in this???? I bet the President, Senator's and Congress men and women's Mother's and Father's don't have to live like this and their POA's don't have to wonder where they may end up!!!!! Sorry to go on and on but I feel you guys would understand. Thank you for listening.


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