So i went to take the test at 2pm today. I went in there with confidence that I WILL pass this test. I took it in an hour and 20 minutes and when I hit 75 the BLUE SCREEN came up. I am SCARED! I feel as though I needed more questions to prove myself. I had about 10 Med's, 6-7 SATA, 2 med calcs. I mean i felt as though the questions were easy. I mainly studied KAPLAN and I thought Kaplan questions were way harder. I had like no curve balls like whatsoever except for meds but the questions about diseases were diseases I actually knew. When I left I didnt feel like I failed but I do not know if i def passed either. It can go either way, i either did really good or extremely bad! I know I got some right, but I feel as though the questions were extremely easy and that worries me. LIke did it shut off because I wasnt getting any questions right? Great, these 2 days are going to be HELL!! I will just keep praying these next 2 days until then I am crackin open alot and I mean alot of BEER!