?'s about NVCC

U.S.A. Virginia


I am moving to NO VA next month and would like to apply to the nursing program at nvcc once I complete the pre-reqs. It says its a 2 year program but long does it usual take to complete?

Also, do you have to take math, bio and chem, or can you clep out on the entrance exam? Once you add in those three extra classes along with the other pre-req's, it seems like the program is neverending...lol TIA!

Were you girls able to get into the site for the "math tutorial" ?(for the test we need to take after our orientation).

Got a email from Mrs. V with the link but no luck so far.


It's not a site, it is a document and it was attached to the email she sent to me. Double check and if you didn't get it I can email it to you.

Congratulations :clpty:

Sorry you had to wait longer than some of us, but you got in that's what counts.

Good Luck!

Trust me, I have no complaints. I actually didn't get the letter in the mail today so the post man told me to call the school and Mrs. V told me the good news. She is my hero! Then she emailed me everything I needed.

Ms.**** is a very nice and knowledgeable person.

She was the one who corrected all the wrong information that was given to me by the counselors downstairs.

She has been a saint.

So what time slot are you attending the orientation? Mine is 9-12. I am SO excited. I think I might tape record it so I don't forget anything...

I went to Embroid Me today and I didn't realize that you don't actually buy your scrubs there, you just size them. So I placed an order through the site, and bought the drawstring cargo pants on another site. And I have no idea where to order the name tag, but I am sure they will tell us everything at the orientation, I just like to do everything as early as possible. I have always been that way.

can order the name tag at the school book store, or staples. Most likely cheaper st Staples. But they will tell ya all that at orientation

I am also going to the 9-12 orientation.

You already ordered your scrubs? Do you know what color they decided on?

I could be wrong but someone told me that the students get to vote on what color.

I am also going to the 9-12 orientation.

You already ordered your scrubs? Do you know what color they decided on?

I could be wrong but someone told me that the students get to vote on what color.

I doubt that, many of us donated our old uniforms, and these ones are the "new" ones, only been used for 2 yrs,they replaced the "smock" lol But ya never know

"Can you wear your stethoscope on one of those hip clips?"

We agreed it's a waste of money.:no: That thing is actually annoying because it's not that simple to attach stethoscope to it. It was a good idea but I guess it didn't work as well as creators thought it would.

Keep it simple: black pen, small notebook, penlight (never got a chance to use in clinical), scissors (good idea) and stethoscope.

Hope that helps.

"Can you wear your stethoscope on one of those hip clips?"

We agreed it's a waste of money.:no: That thing is actually annoying because it's not that simple to attach stethoscope to it. It was a good idea but I guess it didn't work as well as creators thought it would.

Keep it simple: black pen, small notebook, penlight (never got a chance to use in clinical), scissors (good idea) and stethoscope.

Hope that helps.

Agree with mama, you dont need to go buy a lot of extra gadgets!! I had a clipboard as well--the one with all the medical info on it. Came in handy every now and then! As well had one of those pocket nursing books, think it was from "nursing Made easy" And if you do a rotation at Culmore clinic (near baleys Corner), 95% of ur patients speak only Spanish, and you may not have anyone in ur class that speaks Spanish! So one can purchase a Pocket sized book for translations. I have one ISBN # 9781582556840 it came in handy. And if you speak Spanish, you everyones best friend!

One can buy a pocket saver http://www.allheart.com/pm731.html I kept it on my side leg pocket! Very handy! Kept my $$, credit card and drivers license in it---so left wallet at HOME. Don't bring valuables inside the hospital

I did order my pants but I can always return them if the colors do change. It did say in an email from Mrs Vito about the uniforms changing but it was unclear because it said for students beginning Fall 07...I was confused so I will wait.

Good to know on the hip clip thing.

My concern was regarding having a bag of stuff (I think people call it a nursing kit) to carry around at clinical sites. I am not one to carry a bag around with me. Knowing me I would set it down and it would grow legs. Do we really have to carry around stuff at clinicals that can't just go in our pockets? Or can we just shove everything in our pockets and carry around a clipboard

Wish me luck. I am going to take my HLT 250 and 141 exams!

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