Roll Call

Specialties School


Specializes in School Nursing, Ambulatory Care, etc..

Hi hi!  I'm Bunny Bunny! 

I've been a school nurse off and on since 2008.  I'm back this year after taking some time off for about 2 years.  I'm at a charter school this year.  So, I'm an old school nurse at a new (to me) school.

First day with kids was yesterday.  

When's everyone back?

Specializes in pediatrics, School LVN.

Hi, today was the first day with students. I am an LVN and have been in the health office for 8 years. It's a crazy life, my School Nurse and I have 6 elementary schools and a preschool. Last year was tough and I ended the year 2 weeks early to have a knee replacement. I'm hopeful for a better year.

Specializes in School Health.

I started back 8/1 and the kids started 8/12.  I am an LPN and this is my 10th year in School Health.  This is my first full year at my current school (I left a charter school in March and came to my current school in March).  

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

Not a school nurse here but wow, some of your districts start early. Kids don't go back until 9/3 here.

Specializes in School Nurse. Having conversations with littles..

Good afternoon-

Hi! We started back today. This is my 28th year as a School Nurse. I love it.

Specializes in School Nursing, Ambulatory Care, etc..
kbrn2002 said:

Not a school nurse here but wow, some of your districts start early. Kids don't go back until 9/3 here.

We get out at the end of May - our last day is May 30.  I worked in a school that didn't start until after Labour Day when I was in Maryland.  We didn't get out until mid-June.

Specializes in LPN School Nurse.

I started on Monday, kids started yesterday.   I used to not have any contract days when the kids were not in the building, but we fought to get a couple of days of prep so I don't get slammed so bad the first day.

Specializes in pediatrics, school nursing.

Staff was back yesterday, kids are back tomorrow! 

I worked as a FT admin last year, and SO happy to be back in my office this year!!

Specializes in kids.

Started with kids last Tuesday. Year #31 😁 I was the last one standing at a faculty meeting when they were acknowledging years of service.😂

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