Roll Call---How many start their RN this month!

Nursing Students General Students


:lol2: I'm so excited I don't know if I'll be able to get through the door of my orientation without wetting my pants!


Me, me, me! I'm starting August 27th. Got all my books ordered (most have arrived, what a HUGE stack), my stethescope (pink!), my immunizations and drug testing done . . . still have to do my CPR but since my dh is an instructor it won't be a problem. I'm just trying to finish up my summer Pharmacology so I can have a BREAK before the insanity begins.

Good luck to all!


I start on aug. 21st!

Specializes in SNF.

I start Aug 28th...

like so many here I am sooo excited but very nervous...

I am almost done everything.

God bless us all ;)

I have this one girl that I have made friends with...she's about 15 years younger than me, but a very dedicated student, and she has the same schedule as me this we are planning on doing alot of studying together.

I have told alot of people about this site, and just when you think that no one understands what you are going through...there are a TON of people on here that will.

I start the 20th! I have orientation 14th and 15th. I am starting to get panicky!!!

Specializes in ICCU - cardiac.

YEAH! I start the 23rd and have intro on the 13th.

Good luck everyone and no matter how overwhelmed u might feel after seeing what must be mastered in 15 short weeks, :ohold your chin up high and remember how hard u worked to get to this point.

REMEMBER: U CAN DO THIS!:monkeydance:

Specializes in ICU, Med-Surg, Post-op, Same-Day Surgery.

:balloons:Starting Aug 27, with orientation on the 20th!!! Can't wait!:balloons:

Specializes in Trauma.

I'm starting my second week of floor orientation tomorrow. I'm taking one patient and it's NERVE racking:) I was a little flushed yesterday with my one patient and the reality in the end was: he was dying:(

I love my preceptor, she's amazing and very patient and everyone is so welcoming and nice. Always willing to help the new graduate and steer me in the right direction. I'm excited now. I'm past the "first day, as a nurse" and I feel more comfortable everyday. Happy to have the support they give me.

I definitely made the right choice coming home to the hospital I volunteered in:)

Good luck everyone..

Specializes in Hospice.

Along with a lot of you, I'm a 20th-er. I'll be one of four guys in a class of around one hundred. Should be very entertaining. Sure is a large stack of books for one semester.......geeeesh.

I start on the 20th also! Very Very excited, seems like it has taken forever to get to this point. We have our orientation on the 17th, and the 2nd year nursing students are having a welcome lunch for us that day as well. I think that is really nice. We only have 40 students in our nursing program. So i feel very lucky to be there! Good luck everyone! I just know we will all do fine!

27th here!!!!!! Sooooo incredibly excited and scared as #$@#! We are having a welcome brunch on the 18th. I look forward to updates on how school is going.

Specializes in Medical/Surgical.

Start the 20th...had orientation last night and already have work to do! It's ok though...I've been waiting for this for a long time :)

Good luck everyone!

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