RN Scrubs

Nurses General Nursing


In the hospital you work for, are you able to wear any color srcub/outfit? Or is there a designated one for your department?

You do not understand, the hospital does not want to verify who you are; they want bodies and people all around who look like qualified staff. They think they do not necessarily need actual qualified staff; they do not want to pay what it would cost to have all the RN's on staff. Hospitals just want it to look like everyone around is a nurse, that is why even housekeeping is allowed to wear scrubs. This way it looks like there are a lot of nurses with much less of a payroll cost.

The hospital that I work for has just instituted a dress code for each category of employee...nurses Navy Blue and White, techs are Wine colored, and they are holding an election now for unit secretaries between coral and teal. I have also come from institutions where anyone could wear what ever they wanted. I am not sure how I feel.

Specializes in Geriatric/ Home Care.

In the facility I work for now, everyone wears the colors they want. The last facility I worked for went so far as to send management nurses to a seminar to show us what colors and hairstyles are suppose to show "authority". (white is too virginal, and barretts and hair clips are childish, is pretty much what they told us) Our facility also has a scrub company that comes in about every 2 months for us to shop, and with the option of payroll deduction. The colored panty people.....I write them up and send them home to change....it seems to remind them not to do it again.


May I add another observation I have made over the past years...that being the wearing of thong panties (are these actually classified as such?) The mere design of a thong would make the wearing of one under a pair of scrubs ill-advised. For when a lady bends over, there is never a doubt what she is wearing...or not wearing. Obviously in the younger segment of our society the sight of a thong or boxer protruding from ones clothes might be considered fashionable. In the professional arena I would hope that a more sane approach would be present.

KellyMarie, thanks for those sites. I'm one of four women on earth who likes skirts and dresses for work, and does NOT want those puff sleeve big lapel leftovers from 1985 Landau makes.

Specializes in O.R Trauma Nurse.
:crying2: My hospital just went back to nurses on the floor wearing all white or royal Blue. Why? because some one bent over in front of a pt that happen to be a board member sporting a thong. As of the first of the year bloomers are back in style :angryfire also.

i like www.jascouniform.com

i've only ordered form allhearts once and they were ok, cheap shoes!


All theses websites will be very helpful. If anyone has more i'm open to the offers :roll

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Urology, Cardiac, CC.

I love www.jasco.com, www.uniformadvantage.com and www.uniformcity.com. They all have great prices and great products. We can wear whatever we want and I really enjoy that. We have huge Rn's on our nametags to help differentiate us from the rest of the hospital that also wears scrubs. I pray we never, ever go back to whites as it's really hard to keep clean in the winter. I hated having to make sure my underclothes didn't show through!

I work at a hospital where it seems everybody wears scrubs (doctors, nurses, aides, techs, housekeepers, cafe workers, etc). Some units have tried to enforce color codes on their employees with little success. I currently work as a SPCA & US in the 'float' dept, where we are allowed to wear anything as long as it's professional.

Specializes in ICU, Hospice.

Try http://www.marcusuniforms.com they have scrub sets for $12. A SET!!!

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