Published May 18, 2011
paddlelady, BSN, RN
102 Posts
I never thought that I would have to go back into nursing but I am pretty much broke.
I have been unemployed since 2008. Well., I have been doing massage and business is so bad that I cant pay my bills.
Social security doesnt last too long. I left nursing as I was physically ill as I cannot handle too much stress anymore.
Looks like I need to find a job. Any suggestions for those who have had to do this.
I actually got a job last month and left as I just couldnt handle the policitics. The nurse who was suppose to train me refused. Said she was too busy. That was the point of hiring me as I was to take her patients. This was a UR position. I would be reviewing some her patient population.
She tryed to reel me into talking negatively about the new supervisor who asked her to train me. I had 2 weeks of online training and it was great. Then I was ready to fly so to speak .
I literaly got physically ill with all this stuff. I got heart palpitations. My doctor warned me not to do this. So I resigned. Not a good thing. Guess I need a lo stress position but there are no free rides in nursing. Maybe I need to do something else. But what I dont know. Massage is not paying the bills. Grrrr
I didnt heed her advise. But I have to survive.
1,756 Posts
What have you done to promote massage services?
Have you contacted private pay/not for profit facilities?
Have you tried to convince companies to give a free massage instead of Walmart card to the employee of the month?
Have you set up at malls and festivals?
Have you left business cards and flyers?
In other words, can you be more aggressive in drumming up business?
If you're not giving a massage right now, you need to be working on getting your next customer. Don't discard the professionals. Perhaps using the services of a promotional company is cost prohibitive, but finding out is free.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
I wish I did.......Nursing isn't what it used to's much more....rough. dog eat dog kind of thing. At least in Acute care. To me it seemed like the profession just kind of went crazy!!!
I am now on disability due to an infalmmatory myopathy......but I would look into telephone triage. I know Core Medical Group had some postions...
632 Posts
1st of all... Welcome Back!
Phone triage sounds like a good suggestion. Case management is pretty low-key.
Do you need to be in a hospital setting? I would stay away from the floor. Med/Surg, Tele, Neuro all are still pretty hectic. Not the ER...
Critical Care is okay on the unit. MICU/SICU/CCU. Labor-intensive you still only get 2 patients and all you have to do is pay attention to detail while taking care of them. Taming of the families are the only stress there (I think).
Interventional radiology, PICU/Recovery, Dialysis is pretty chill...
The world is yours for the taking just keep looking. Good luck.
to answer all. I have been doing massage for 13 year along with nursing. I marketed quite a bit. I did fairs. Gave freebies at the local senior center. Many of my clients came from the senior center and word of mouth. I have lost 6 seniors that got regular massages. They have passed away. Some of my other massage clients have moved away from the area. I am market again. I think people are saving their money at this point. Some of my regular clients told me that they are cutting back and massage is one. I offer discounts and seniors. I have written letters and stop by the chiropractors . I was an insurance provider but I did drop that as I could not afford the 400 $ for malpractice insurance.
I do have some resumes in to local spas but they want you to live nearby and I have to take a ferry to get to these spas and they want to hire local.
I have done telephonic nursing, disease management and case management and UR so those are the things are am looking into. What is really hard is we have our younger son still in college and we have to help him. Thanks for all the ideas everyone.
1,062 Posts
Wishing you a job that is a good match for you...soon and one you will
Interesting you mentioned massage, I was at a plaza the other day
and the massage therapist had a sign that she also did
massage for canines and horses....
Even with the economy, lots of people still cater to their pets
so you might want to look at that angle.
Sound like a nice add on way to make money and use your skills...
bagladyrn, RN
2,286 Posts
Have you considered seeing if any of the local hospitals hire sitters for patients? Probably wouldn't pay as much as a nursing job and would mostly be nights, but one on one should be lower stress.
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
Paddle, you should go see some of the better hospice companies around you. Massage is often a service offered for palliative/hospice care!!
175 Posts
Another thing to consider for the massage is to talk with local chiropractors. Mine has two massage therapists on staff because the massage helps people hold their adjustments longer because their muscle tightness isn't pulling everything out of line. Maybe there is someone just looking for the right person?
Maybe hospice is something to consider in nursing, as well as massage. Perhaps crisis care where you only really have one patient at a time.
As far as hospice goes we have 1 hospice in my immediate area. They consider you a volunteer and do not charge the patients for the massage. I worked for them and one lady asked me to massage her shoulders she loved it.
One of my massage colleagues did volunteer for them and she never got many calls. She did however, get 1 client from the staff who I use to work with.
I know all the chiropractors in town and they know I exist and I do get referrals. Most of the patients do have insurance that will cover massage.
Uniformed Medical has now been bought out by Regents . So the therapist on UMP cannot get on with Regents. This system doesnt seem user friendly.
A good number of patients on the island that I live are covered by Regents and for years Regents is not letting any of the therapists were I live be a provider. They group us in with the Seattle therapists and we are a 35 min ferry ride from Seattle. They say they have too many massage providers in Seattle. I tryed to give them a geography lesson but they will not add any of us to the network. So we are out of network providers which they dont cover as well. I have applied at some of the chiropractors offices . They email and say they will call me for an interview and it never happens. I do follow up and call and then hear that they have either hired someone or they want to wait. Why advertise. I am hitting a wall these last few years. I think the universe has something else in store for me.
I just have to find out what that may be.
Thanks again everyone.
734 Posts
With you being down on income, can your son qualify for some financial aid? Or perhaps a part-time job to help you get thru this period. Market is tough to get any job and the more specific you are the less jobs there are, it seems.
Can you market your massage therapy to local hospital and or DR's for the staff more than patients? Could you sell a package like thing pay for 5 massages and get next one free....Market to schools, colleges and secondary and elementary schools, Teachers all need breaks the end of the year. Or try wo work with a high priced hair salon where you could be part of their makeover package...just some ideas off the top of my head.
Best of luck in your search.:)
mM son is working on his Masters in Public health in Denmark. No loans for an out of counry school. As a parent we didnt expect to help our kids with post grad tuition etc.
However, in this economy he could not find a job. He has a degree in Biology with speciliaty in Molecular and Cellular Biology. No one would hire him as he didnt have any experience.
I was talking to my physician about the mater. She was telling me she was seeing alot of younger college grads depressed as they couldnt find work. Well her advice was to do go on for Masters to become more competitive in the work place. His dream was to go back to Scandanvia to study. It was hard to say no and I was doing very well with massage at that time. He only has 1 year left and when he is through he is on his own. There are alot of very educated college grads working as barastias and not using their degrees.
It is pretty tough on todays job market.
I do offer packages etc. I also do foot reflexology. They charge 90 a session in Seattle mine is only 65 an hours. If you schedule 4 sessions the 4 th is FREE! Cant beat that.
I also have a referral system . Etc. I just think that the economy is down and people are saving their money.
Thanks for the suggestions.