retake nclex-ca

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi! I'm an RN in Phil.:nurse: Didn't passed my 1st try,:cry: but now I'm bouncing back and realizin' why I didn't make it then. I became frustrated but then everyday I'm realizing that Everything happens for a reason and getting strength from God who let things happen. :saint: Of course I'm planning to take the exam again and I'm planning to mail my requirements in Ca for my retake application. I took my exam last June 4.. so more than 45 days has passed already.. Can someone tell me the whole process I need to do and wait ? And with regards on the process can someone tell me the requirements I need to send? The payment and when I should expect my eligibility again if ever. I'm trying to ask questions from friends but almost all of us are 1st time takers.. Hope s0meone can spend time to reply.. thank You! God bless every0ne!

Specializes in Ophthalmology.

in your last text, it says that you got the pop up.

when did you received your results?

Specializes in Assisted Living.

If she or he got the pop-up, then she PASSED. Why on this text she said she FAILED?? Can you explain please?

yeah, i'm sorry i wasn't able to reply to your message.. did u passed.. i hope you did!..^^.. well it was confusing so dont rely on that trick.. i received my result the 31st of june saying i failed.. but i'm gettin' better and planning my next move.. hope someone can give me answers to my questions.. tnx.. God bless!Ü

Specializes in Ophthalmology.

still waiting for my results,its been 23 days now since i took the NCLEX.

do you tried the PV correctly because in your previous text , you did not got the pop up that instructing you to contact BRN,you only gotten to the page that telling you that you are registered for the test.


Just send the re-application with $75 fee. Wait for the eligibility letter coming form CA BRN it will take 2 to 3 weeks. Once you found eligible you can go to pearson to register for the exam and pay $200 dollars and Pearson will send you your ATT . Without ATT you cannot schedule your exam. I hope it explain everything :):wink2:

Hi! I'm an RN in Phil.:nurse: Didn't passed my 1st try,:cry: but now I'm bouncing back and realizin' why I didn't make it then. I became frustrated but then everyday I'm realizing that Everything happens for a reason and getting strength from God who let things happen. :saint: Of course I'm planning to take the exam again and I'm planning to mail my requirements in Ca for my retake application. I took my exam last June 4.. so more than 45 days has passed already.. Can someone tell me the whole process I need to do and wait ? And with regards on the process can someone tell me the requirements I need to send? The payment and when I should expect my eligibility again if ever. I'm trying to ask questions from friends but almost all of us are 1st time takers.. Hope s0meone can spend time to reply.. thank You! God bless every0ne!

ALL you have to do is to fill up the repeat/reapplication form, pay 75dollars then mail it. and pay pearson $200 by phone or pay by webs if you have an account.

good luck.


i took the exam june 4, got my result the 31st.. patiently wait.. keep on praying.. it's on its way...^^ keep me posted!..

hi.. have you submitted your retake form yet? i am also planning to do my retake.. took my exam may 27 and failed too..:cry: are you reviewing differently this time? i haven't sent out my reapplication yet.. sana sa 2nd take.. pumasa na tayo.. :wink2:

Just send the re-application with $75 fee. Wait for the eligibility letter coming form CA BRN it will take 2 to 3 weeks. Once you found eligible you can go to pearson to register for the exam and pay $200 dollars and Pearson will send you your ATT . Without ATT you cannot schedule your exam. I hope it explain everything :):wink2:

hi guys... sorry it took time for me to reply once again... i haven't sent out my retake application yet.. i failed the 1st time when i took the exam last june4, 09, i became frustrated.. coz i was preparing f0r it and full of hopes that i will passed.. but unfortunately i didn't... as far as i kn0w.. when BON mailed me my result it was indicated there that i have two years to reapply again.. i understood it this way.. that i can send them my retake application within two years after my 1st take.. am i right?... sorry... i'm praying f0r G0d's guidance and help for me to be prepared again, not only with kn0wledge but financially as well.. :cry:.. but definitely praying that i will start pursuing my career as a nurse... s0meone give me hope.. tnx and God bless!

Specializes in L & D, Med-Surge, Dialysis.

wish you the best!

can i send the reapplication form and fees just as long its within 2 years since my last take? just confused?... tnx.. or need to send reapplication immediately?

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