retake nclex-ca

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi! I'm an RN in Phil.:nurse: Didn't passed my 1st try,:cry: but now I'm bouncing back and realizin' why I didn't make it then. I became frustrated but then everyday I'm realizing that Everything happens for a reason and getting strength from God who let things happen. :saint: Of course I'm planning to take the exam again and I'm planning to mail my requirements in Ca for my retake application. I took my exam last June 4.. so more than 45 days has passed already.. Can someone tell me the whole process I need to do and wait ? And with regards on the process can someone tell me the requirements I need to send? The payment and when I should expect my eligibility again if ever. I'm trying to ask questions from friends but almost all of us are 1st time takers.. Hope s0meone can spend time to reply.. thank You! God bless every0ne!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

You need to check with the BRN but usually if within the 2 years of submitting your application you should be OK

hello to everyone! i would like to share a little info for those of you who are retaking the nclex-rn exam in the state of new york.

i took the exam in 2009 but unfortunately i did not pass. after 11 months now i feel that i'm ready to take the nclex-rn exam once again! :p

here's what i did:

step 1. register at the pearson vue website (fee: $200)

step 2. i sent an email to the new york state education department (nysed) / new york board of nursing (email: [email protected])

**after registering at the pearson vue website, i immediately sent an email to nysed/ny bon requesting them to resend my eligibility letter to pearson vue in order for the pearson vue to issue my att.

**make sure to provide your full name and date of birth so they can reply quickly. it wouldn't hurt if you also include your nclex candidate number (if you can still remember it)

**after waiting for 2-3 days, here's what i got in my inbox from the nysed:

"you should be receiving an att from ncs pearson within 2-3 weeks (or sooner by e-mail). if you have not received the att by then, please contact ncs pearson by e-mail at [email protected]

good luck on the exam!"

yes! it was that easy! i received my att from pearson vue the same day! i only waited 3-4 days!!! no need to re-apply to the ny board of nursing! yay! :yeah:

now the only thing i have to do is review, review, review..... :eek: :uhoh3:

i still have 50 days to go before the big day.... that should be long enough for me to finish my review... i hope i don't go crazy!!!! :D

i hope this will help answer some of the questions regarding the retake procedure in the state of new york.

god bless us all! :)

Good luck on your exam nutty12!

Thank you very much! :D

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