Published Dec 18, 2005
237 Posts
I am so happy to some time off!
Biology A
Sociology A
Intro to Nursing B (never studied or read the book, total waste of time)
College Alg. A
33 Posts
sounds like u did great. I only took one class this quarter(tuition has gone up $65 and cant afford anymore than one class now) but I got an A in Med Term, taking Anat & Phys. next wish me luck
Can't you get a loan or maybe a grant?
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
Class 1, A
Class 2, A
Class 3, should be an A, grade won't be posted till Monday though
HeartsOpenWide, RN
1 Article; 2,889 Posts
Drawing (for transferring to a 4-yr): A
Anatomy: A
Statistics (not sure yet but either high "C" or low "B"--math my bad subject)
But that is it for my pre-nursing courses!
328 Posts
Lifespan Development (2nd Sem Psych) - A
Microbiology - A
Advanced Physiology - ??? Took the final on Wednesday and only needed 63 pts for an A - I feel really good about it but grades won't be posted until tonight at the earliest.....I'm about to go crazy waiting!!
These are also my final prerequisites for nursing! :balloons: March 9 is the deadline and now it is on to the TEAS exam :)
Congratulations everyone on a finally finished semester & a job well done!!
1,275 Posts
A&P 2 - A
Dev.Psych. - A
Engl.Comp.2 - A
Sociology - Should be A
It was a great semester.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,709 Posts
Great grades you guys!
I took co-req courses this semester in my RN to BSN program
Health & Wellness, Lessons For Living: Biblical Perspectives (I go to a Christian college), and Western Civilization. 8 credit hours: A's in all!
On to Community Health Nursing and Population Focused Nursing next semester. Graduate April 2007.
49 Posts
Nutrition -A
Body structure and function - A
Growth & Development -A
Fundamentals of Nursing - A
Fundamentals of Nursing Lab - A
Geriatric Nursing - 94.4- B... .10 of a point to an A....
Our grading system could be better
95-100 A
88-94 B
80-87 C
Below 80 - FAIL!!
394 Posts
Nursing I - A (Only A out of 64 students - go me!)
Clinical Experience I - S (S/U class)
ChristineN, BSN, RN
3,465 Posts
First year college life class-- A
Computer class -- A
English Comp -- A
Anatomy and Physiology 1 -- B+ (I was very close to an A-)
prissy pixie
51 Posts
Chemistry ~ A
Algebra ~ A
Psychology ~ A