RECIPROCITY to California - RN Graduate from the PHILIPPINES

World Registration


Hello all,

I am a BSN graduate from the Philippines, and an RN there and in New York.

I'm sure you guys know that international BSN graduates has not been getting through the California BRN since year 2010, because of the issue that foreign graduates (esp. from the Philippines) lack units during our college / Nursing years. This said, I know zero of my colleagues who applied to take the NCLEX got their ATT, since o'10.

I recently applied to have my license in New York endorsed to California, and noted that one requirement they had is that I must provide my college transcripts from where I graduated (again, in the Philippines).

I am currently in CA, but I am thinking to just move to New York, if I am only waiting for my application to get rejected because I lack units, or cases/caseloads.

I'm looking for someone with the same case I am in, or who was in the same case.. Please help me, should I just go to New York? :( :( :(

are you still looking for a university to comply with the deficiencies?:)

I guess I'll be in the same boat as you.. I am just expecting 10% chance of having my endorsement applicaion approved. And for sure BRN will require me OB and MS subjects as well. I hope you could share what schools which are approved by BRN that offers those subjects (but won't require you to tae the whole nursing course) thank you

This is just depressing to think that's it's so hard for us to get a license here in California..

Justbeachynurse: yes i have submitted all of my cases in prc but unfortunately i hve no copy :(

i got the same problem. I graduated 2009 and my school doesn't have a copy of my cases. And I have no copy as well. I am not sure if PRC still have my cases for what I know they only keep the records for 5years. And now I don't know what to do...

This is just depressing to think that's it's so hard for us to get a license here in California..

As you put it, it's real ironic that our own CHED, PNA and the PRC knew of the concurrency problems years ago and choose to not do anything about it. Something the PH agencies should have straighten out to avoid the issues.

It was only under the extreme pressures of the tens of thousands of frustrated parents, family members, friends and relatives and especially from the PH students and nurses themselves did the fire get lit under the said agencies.

To add insult to injury, is that the PRC record retention of only 5 years is a joke.

Then to add even more insult are the greedy and selfish PH nurses and grads who lied and cheated their way into the CA BRN system, moved on ahead and it's of those fraudsters who made the concurrency issue come to the bright lights of the CA BRN evaluators and makes every and all PH (mostly) applicants to make it nearly impossible to gain licensure in CA, either by initial exam or subsequent reapplication or by endorsement.

Remember the CA BRN is only enforcing a 1987 policy and relaxed during the "nursing shortage" earlier perceived years.

Otherwise if you think of it, had the CA BRN been enforcing since then, the unemployment rate of actual PH nurses would have been twice or thrice as high as it is today and very little PH nurses would have made it across the pond to work, only to visit and then go back home in the Phils.

Perhaps this topic thread could be moved to the World forum, under the Nurse Registration tab to enlighten others there as most CA nurses are not so concerned with this plight, but it's up to the mods.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Nurse Registration forum

so frustrating to think i've wasted my time and money on endorsing my license in illinois here in california.. and working in illinois is not an option coz my husband is working here in cali and got a child visitation as well.. i'm thinking of taking the LVN route instead, i'm just hoping i won't be turned down this time..

i had the same problem at first. my school and prc did not have my cases anymore when I endorsed my TX RN license. fortunately I still have my copies. I graduated 2011 and they did not process my application until I sent them the copies of my cases. the approved schools in CA is listed in their website 😊

To dheaBSNRN, just so we're all clear, you had no problems with getting the endorsement from TX to CA as your application has now been processed in CA and received the CA license after completing your deficiencies within the CA BRN approved list (via finding an approved CA school) and you were able to submit your 2011 copies of your cases?

As we all know if you miss one step in the process, the license will not be issued via the endorsement method.

I do not have my CA RN license as of yet. I still need to attend the MS and OB theory/clinicals. Hopefully after that, I can get my license in CA as an RN. I was just concerned about [COLOR=#003366]chelle719, BSN, RN[/COLOR] problem regarding her cases because if she can't provide the copies of that, CA BRN will not be able to determine what deficiencies she has to comply. :yes:

Specializes in Ambulatory, Corrections, SNF, LTC, Rehab.

For those IEN there? Have you tried to endorse your RN license from other state here in Cali??

I have a "friend" that "her friend" took couple times NCLEX RN here in cali, then after of failure many time CA BRN denied her for "reapplication for exam"

What happen is she apply for other state and Hawaii is her choice? Then as she waits for the process? She applied also for NCLEX PN here in cali (she's CA resident with BSN in PHI)

Then she took RN for HI state and PN for CA, she both passed it. Then when she got her HI RN lic, she tried to endorse it here CA, and CA BRN accepted her endorsement?

Is that right?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

The friend probably got accepted because they already had an approved application but we have had a few members post in this and other threads that have tried to endorse to CA and submit everything and get denied.

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